Monday, 13 March 2017

Kent Corruption: Thanet election - Sunday Times, Nick Timothy and Toxic Three become Two

Tim Garbutt KCC Leader candidate 2017 and MP 2020 said:

" Yesterday's detailed Sunday Times article (attached) on the 2015 electoral fraud by Nick Timothy follows hard on the heels of not one but two Channel Four investigative reports into the same issue in recent weeks.

Indeed Kent Police have deployed 9 police officers over 2 years - as have c.20 other police forces, yet produced less than The Sunday Times and Channel Four managed in weeks.

OESCE election monitors are long overdue. To have Kent's other incompetent MP, Roger Gale, lecturing African nations on elections is absurd. Rather, Chad or Burundi should provide monitors here in Kent.

Now, the affable and capable Tory Chair Grant Shapps confirms Nick Timothy, PM May's right hand man at the Home Office and now Downing St, was leading the Thanet election and the misuse of funds.

I refused to stand in the 2015 election due to the widespread and blatant corruption. Party leaflets claiming Craig Mackinlay lived in Ramsgate were just one example of absurd lies given he's a Chatham councillor and JP.

Chatham, as with Nick Timothy's Birmingham, is a desperate dump, and hardly a recommendation for improving Ramsgate and East Kent. With the dynamic Lord Heseltine now sacked, and no doubt glad of it with the Brexit silliness, Kent is ill-served in driving forward the Thames Gateway and Paramount theme park projects.

The Tory and UKIP only policy of reopening Manston airport, was presumably generated and approved by Nick Timothy.

Clearly that raises concerns over the airport not being reopened after 2 years. As well as the dangerous issue of the East Kent drinking water aquifer under the runway.

And the Infratil/Gloag/KCC/TDC corporate manslaughter crimes in removing the Manston pollution monitors and faking the data for years.

The Infratil criminal directors must be laughing at UK politics from the comfort and safety of their NZ offices, no doubt hiring corrupt lawyers such as Grabiner and Glick and Hollingworth to delay their extradition.

Kent Police need to be asking questions of Nick Timothy et al over what they knew and when, along with the GIAA £500k and Pleasurama corruption.

The epidemic of parachute candidates and Party HQ drones and bussed-in supporters make UK elections a farce resulting in G7 UK slipping down the development league tables.

And Kent becoming a rat's nest of rapists and junkies and toxic sites such as Manston and Thor mercury.

The only bright spot last week, was 20% of KCC councilors resigning before the May 4th KCC election, including Alex King Deputy Leader of KCC, for 28 years: The Toxic Three are now The Toxic Two of Carter and Wild.

The wheels have come off the Kent tractor. Kent is broken and will take decades to fix."

Time for Change



* Campaigning Saturday astonished so few people heard of Thor mercury in Margate near the Hornby factory or Cato Ridge
* good to see Kent Police out on Sunday at Heroin Corner - but concerned at ladies telling me of Street Drinker Square with police dithering and delay
* I know of no manifesto for Kent/KCC by any of the main parties - anyone?

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