More Cargolux 747 flights over the towns breaching the airport operating conditions.
And exactly what monitoring is now undertaken at the airport?
Infratil and TDC removed the monitors and haven’t replaced them when the airport was due to expand – so what monitoring is in place now? Or have TDC decided not to bother at all?
I don’t remember a council vote on removing monitors do you?
4 years of removing monitors - even the bezene monitor at the last expansion attempt.
Our councillors and civil servants have been scrabbling around to cover up the problems until they can deny and lie no more.
And now we have KCC forming a partnership with Infratil to secure a Parkway rail station for Manston – something that only Paul Carter and Roger Gale have spoken of but now the taxpayer is supposedly to fork out another £10M just to establish its viability.
And with Nick Chard as Carter’s KCC Cabinet flunkey to gloss over and steer this nonsense: “not if but when the Parkway happens”.
You can tell when Carter’s lying about East Kent - because Nick Chard’s lips move.
Infratil somehow manage to extort funds out of Vattenfall for a radar that should already be in place and manage to promise £500k to KCC for a Parkway – yet can’t explain the missing Manston fines and no fines and airport breaches.
And silence from our councillors and civil servants on retrieving the Manston fines.
While if Vattenfall and London Array are looking to expand their windfarms at Whitstable and Margate by 50% - a little bit, then a little bit more, then a little bit more - then that’s less funding for the public provided to Infratil for a speculative project that’s simply ludicrous.
As Mayor I’ll encourage the public to begin a council tax strike, business rates strike and VAT strike and jail sentences for Buchanan, White and Carter.
If we’re to have cancer then at least we can have it cheaper on the rates.
Changes at TDC as the senior management team are sacked – but silence over their payoffs. Why the silence for tax-payouts?
And why payouts for failure?
And only silence on the previous 0% salary fraud.
Silence on the EKO £1M-plus invoices for TDC contracts with KCC – that’s an expensive memo especially with an in-house legal team.
And this month all council costs over £500 should be published online. So no excuse for this secrecy – except to cover up failure and incompetence.
When did councillors and civil servants decide that public tax-money and public grants were somehow not the concern of the public?
As Mayor I’ll be calling for a Police inquiry into these fraudulent costs – with MP’s now jailed for £10K abuses of the expenses system why the silence for years on these council abuses?
And the Environment Agency pop for a wide-ranging debate on Manston and the drinking water and Pegwell Bay. Reassuring to know they’re discussing whether to allow it to be polluted.
With an airport over the top of the water supply. And Thanet Earth tankering in water.
And silence on Thor.
The mercury team at Minamata (Google you Tube Minamata) have contacted me as part of the UNEP conference on mercury in Japan this week (Google mercury UNEP Chiba).
A banned mercury factory operating for 20 years. And only silence from the EA our councillors and MP’s – paint down the sink and the public’s fault was the last comment.
And more rare cancers in Thanet. Unusual cancers. Cancers with only a few dozen cases in Britain. Why hasn’t the QEQM published a list of these rare cancers?
We have the collapse of even the pretense of effective governance in East Kent - and what Canterbury councillors have described as “a developers charter for the rape of East Kent”.
IF KCC have a Property Group of Costain,. Jacobs, Murphy, Land Securities and the like inside the Council no wonder every problem looks as if the solution is a motorway.
TDC and Infratil are simply criminal organisations endangering the public and KCC simply a construction firm on the rates.
With fake consultations for failure, bloat and waste.
Look at the tarmac. Offcuts from Highways. Look at the railings. Offcuts from motorway central reservations. Look at the signposts. Offcuts from motorways.
And the only growth industries are the undertaker and cancer wards.
And we have a Police force that’s unable to regulate airports – repeated breaches of flights and fines. Some of the largest cocaine shipments in Britain. And 3am Islamic flights from Cairo – setting off when Manston is closed. And banned Afghan flights wandering in when they feel like it.
And only coverup and barefaced lies on the monitors.
We need to cut the cancer out of Kent.
And cut out the liars, scum and fools we have pretending to work for us.
Jail Buchanan.
Jail White.
Jail the Prestwick management.
Extradite Clarke and Fitzgerald for trial from their Sydney and NZ airports .
These are senior airport and council officials who know what they’re doing when they remove air and noise monitors and refuse to replace them.
And at an airport slated for expansion and funded by the taxpayer.
Expansion is one thing. Rigging the figures is another. Blatantly ignoring them is another.
Council tax strike. Business tax strike. Vat strike. Cancel your direct debits. Send the wrong amount by cheque. Reinstate your direct debits. Cancel them again. Return your cheque ripped up. Reinstate your direct debits. Cancel them again.
Let our MP’s raise the problem in parliament – or simply keep quiet and think of their Party careers.
16 RTC councillors.
56 TDC councillors.
84 KCC councillors.
3 East Kent MP’s.
Party and Civil Service careers to be made.
Silence on ManstonGate.
Silence on ChinaGate.
Silence on Thor.
Silence on the 0% fraud.
We have a bottom 10% council and bottom 10% area and KCC as supposedly one of the top 3 councils in Britain – on it’s own say-so.
So much for demiocratic oversight.
No tax for cancer.
No cancer.
Time for Change.