Sunday, 31 March 2013

Ramsgate Town Council – epic cancer fail

It was the annual meeting of RTC on Wednesday. The one meeting of the year when they have to explain and justify themselves to the public.

Awful as you’d expect.

They know nothing. They do nothing.

I attended and these was c.40 other people there – and only c.6 of the 16 RTC councillors.

Awful. Just awful.

A desperate attempt from Mayor green to limt questions to RTC only – given most of them are TDC councillors too and every point he made blaming TDC.

One public presentation on Pleasurama from Friends of Ramsgate Seafront even referred to this feeble doublehatter wriggle.

The minutes were provided – form the meeting 12 months ago. Just embarrassing with nobody being able to remember the points and nothing done anyway.

I moved they be rejected as incompetent but it was passed with c.6 votes and the rest of the public remaining silent.

Presentations from Ramsgate Society on beach shelters and Friends of Ellington park were good – but of course nothing to do with RTC except they provided a fraction of the funding.

The fact that TDC should have provide these services from Ramsgate’s£17M portion of the £60M TDC budget seemed to escape the councillors. In effect the public are paying in tax and then paying from charity and their own efforts to do what TDC is funded to do.


I gave RTC a 2 out of 10 in that it exists and raises tax but provides nothing of value. Nobody seemed to disagree.

Pleasurama was rejected with councillors claiming another consultation was required.
That was about it although as further questions were asked of the budget and so on Dave had a hissy fit and suddenly ended the meeting.


RTC is proof that the problem in Thanet is TDC and the councillors and civil servants on it. The same ones on RTC are continuing the same problems of incompetence, secrecy, delay and waste.

Transparency was bandied around as a buzzword but nobody could state the RTC staff costs: now increased to four.

Noting was said of Manston on the water supply or the pollution and overflights or Thor mercury pollution raised at the last meeting.

I announced I was standing as a directly-elected Mayor and handed out the manifesto: Stop the Pollution, Stop the Corruption, Stop the Construction.

The Mayor meeting is on 7th May at RTC council and there’s also a vacant seat.
As directly-elected Mayor I will:

• reduce the number of councillors to 7 from 16 and no doublehatters,
• close Manston,
• cancel Pleasurama and turf it in May for a public consultation
• close Thor,
• publish all RTC FOI – and insist TDC and KCC councillors pledge the same
• retain Ramsgate’s £17M tax for Ramsgate and fund TDC and KCC as required
• Tobacco-Free Towns to reduce smoking, tobacco sales and counterfeit cigarettes
• TB First policy Pfizer vaccines and Kent programmes
• Rabies policy reintroduced at Ports
• Ban live animal exports from Ramsgate and East Kent Ports
• Develop Margate Town Council and East Kent Council
• Reinvigorate Twinning Policy with Africa and Asia
• Cancel KCC tobacco, booze and guns investments
• Police Cold Case review of Magnitsky, Deepcut Barracks, O’Leary and French in the Congo
• Kent 43 Review: too many police forces – Kent, Sussex and Surrey merger and UK review of drones, helicopters and boats beyond RAF Waddington for drone surveillance and strikes
* Jubilee Debt write off of UK's £2Bn debt to Third World with dodgy Suharto arms deals and Al-Yamamah and Sangcom with Saudi/Aitken/SFO
* Southern Water enquiry into pollution and flood defences and desalination
* UNMDG First pledge for Kent councils and public sector
* Climate Change Red Alert policy: solar panels, tree planting with schools, low carbon products, fast-forward Pegwell SSSI protection and Marine Reserves and building parks and woods
• Meat-Free Monday for schools and other canteens: Climate Change and reduce costs
• Ethical Public Sector policy: ban Total, Trafigura, Union Carbide, Thor, Infratil, no Tax havens and Kent companies first, ban on civil service jobs for gross misconduct

TDC and KCC will need to justify their budgets to RTC. And RTC will secure separate funding as well.

As Mayor I’ll ask parliament to strip Roger Gale of his knighthood and deselect him as Kent’s worst MP for 30 years of failure, with 30% turnout void/recall for elections and 20% referenda

Sandys is simply irrelevant and will no doubt turn up in some Tory-royalty quango eventually spouting empty nonsense.

And a Police inquiry into why Manston monitors have been removed and councillors are jeopardising the public’s health and lives with illegal overflights and Manston on the water supply.

So stupid they poison themselves as well as their neighbours.

The public need to attend on 7th May to support the election.

A council tax strike in April will lay the ground for Ramsgate tax paid to RTC not TDC.

A school strike on Friday afternoons will remind the old duffers that we need a cleaner, greener, younger Thanet not these old farts fighting the Labour/Tories battles of the 1970’s or simply working against the public.

The Manston monitors have been removed by McGonigal, Button, Berry and Sproates – the air pollution is 4x the EU safe limit, while the aquifer is the most polluted in the South East.

The sewers contain faeces in the water supply and the beaches and drains are blocked and flooded with shit by Southern Water.

The 0% salary fraud by McGonigal and Moores was signed off.

The banned Thor factory remains open.

The Toxic Three of Carter, King and Wild remain silent or pass council funds to Infratil.
Sandy is a scapegoat on a peripheral crime after the collusion and payoffs of the Gang of Four.

Buchanan and Pedro in the control tower allow illegal flights and illegal air and water pollution.

These are crimes.

Our councillors and civil servants are criminals.

They are simply trying to cover up the problems.

They need voting out and jail sentences.

It's your cancer.

Your children's asthma.

It's your epic fail.

Time for Change

Friday, 15 March 2013

Time for arrests Chief Learmonth

McGonigal - missing monitors and fines and 0% fraud

Buchanan - missing monitors and fines and banned aircraft

Pedro in the control tower - illegal flights

Button - missing monitors and fines and contamination

Sproates - missing monitors and fines and contamination

Moores - 0% fraud

Samuel and White - all the above. Latchford's too old for jail.

The Toxic Three of Carter, King and Wild. Deliberately endangering and contaminating the public on the rates.

Silent Gale and Sandys - when did they know?

Bogoievski and Fitzgerald at Infratil. Bring 'em back in chains.

Glick and Hollingworth and Millar: liars not lawyers

Southern Water and Thor

Coastguard ships

Scapegoating Sandy won't do.

Time for a clear-out.

Time for arrests Chief.

Time for Change.