Stop the Pollution. Stop the Corruption. Stop the Construction.
Old Kent and KCC and TDC councils have failed us with numerous corruption and pollution incidents, massive waste and incompetence and white elephant construction projects.
Along with broken coastal towns, 20% youth unemployment and pensioners dying of cold - and no Climate Change policies at all.
A County for pensioners and thieves stuck in the 1970’s. With a Westminster Village Parliament only concerned with Eton trifles and Party bickering in the worst recession in living memory.
In Kent, Sandys has resigned and Gale will go too.
Time for Change
Vote Garbutt for Mayor in 2014 and Parliament in 2015:
1. UN Parliament elections for global democracy and reduce tax waste in the UN, EU, IMF, OECD etc: already agreed by the UN but drifting through inertia. Time for UN elections in 2015.
2. Global vote at 16: agreed for Scotland in 2014 and already in Brazil, Austria etc. Time to be made law in 2015.
3. Time for the vote in Brunei and Dubai/UAE and for women in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan – why is UK funding and arming Brunei and Dubai when they do not allow the vote? Time for arms and funding sanctions from 2015.
4. Time to end the death penalty in ASEAN: leaving only China, Texas, Florida Pakistan and Iran killing their own citizens. Ban death drugs exports from UK and EU.
5. Time for arms exports ban from UK and EU. Let grubby regimes like Dubai buy their guns elsewhere. Time for an arms industry restricted to UK and EU needs not speculating in death.
6. Time for Disarmament: develop zero-deployed nuclear weapons and navy restrictions: nuclear weapons cannot be used and only UK, France and USA and Russia now deploy them - and navies have little purpose with drone attacks.
7. Time for Gender equality law: minimum of 40% women as Board Directors and Parliament as Norway. UK has less than 10% women Board directors and 20% women in parliament.
8. Time for a Nuclear –free Kent: close and decontaminate Dungeness and Chatham and ban nuclear waste, and ships with nuclear weapons. Close all nuclear power stations in UK and EU for solar power. Radiation has no place in 21st century Kent or UK.
9. Interest rate cap of 10% on all loans and credit cards – as in Germany. Ban payday loans of no more than 0.5% per month and through banks – with a free bank account. Develop youth start-up funds with low costs. Ban speculative food investments as Barclays. Time to repair a broken bank system and get UK working.
10. Create OneGov: free email and mobile tel no and bank account at birth to reduce Government costs and ease of epidemic warnings etc.
11. Abolish the last hereditary Lords: Parliament failure to make meaningful reform.
12. Compulsory routine monthly FOI for all public organisations: civil service continuing to hide its failure and bloat 7 years after the FOI law and 40 years after USA. A disgrace. And waste such as UNDP royalty-bureaucracy or the UN Office of the Paperless Office or IMF and World Bank duplication.
13. Create County Health and Education Commissioners elections similar to the Police Commissioner: greater and earlier scrutiny and responsibility of school and hospital failures.
14. Judge quotas: no more than 20% of High Court judges from Eton and Oxbridge: currently over 90%. Massive failure of social mobility and freedoms.
15. Police Commissioner to cover Courts as well as Police: lawyer and barrister fraud and High Court closed courts to end.
16. Publish Government Department league tables and County league tables of public spending etc: massive MOD and CAA and Environment Agency bloat and failure. Time for Special Measures programmes within 6 months.
17. UNMDG2 reform: include in every public sector organisation – and seek inclusion of Tobacco, Road Accidents, Space Programme and achieve before 2020 not 2030. Too slow.
18. Typhoon Haiyan aid reforms: too slow aid for typhoons in the Pacific and India and famine in Africa for 70% of incidents and casualties. Never again.
19. Tobin Disaster Fund: establish central fund with UN Parliament/World Bank for ease of response to disasters rather than waiting for fundraising.
20. Establish Desertec: solar power in the desert already part-funded by Germany.
21. Police reform: scrutiny of private detectives, bailiffs, undercover policing and Special Branch secret police, and FOI on guns and bullets and MOD liaison/procurement, and Missing persons, Most Wanted and UK prisoners/stranded abroad.
22. Prison reform: meat-free Monday and vegetarian-only meals for prison cells and military – as with Norway’s army. Also schools and hospitals: reduce costs and Climate Change meat. And reoffending reduction progamme: year-long prison release supervision.
23. Achieve chemical weapons ban/disposal with Egypt, Angola and Sudan – no chemical weapons and ban on napalm and phosphorous as war crimes.
24. Create integrated military as Canada to prevent inter-service waste and squabbling.
25. Ban asbestos in schools and public buildings and detail all asbestos, Thor mercury sites and pollution suites in UK and EU. Environment Agency failure.
26. CAA failure: late flights and illegal/banned flights detailed weekly and airlines/airports closed.
27. Electoral reform: ban State funding for parties, elections null and void and rerun with less than 30% of the electorate, FOI and Manifestos 6 months before elections, and civil service and politician exams.
28. Bury all electric pylons before 2020.
29. Create Recession Plan for indicators and public spending against next recession. Shorter and shallower recessions with government activity.
30. Electricity and water free daily ration – reduce dead pensioners in Winter and Summer to less than Sweden – and free when over 50% renewables. We have deaths by charging for tax progammes funded by previous generations.
31. Epidemic programmes: quarterly public sector drills, FOI on biohazard equipment etc and weekly updates of TB etc and school curriculum and vaccination details.
32. Free Tablet PC and Mobile for every school child and pensioner – as in Thailand.
33. Right to Zero Pollution law – as Vietnam and link to Corporate Manslaughter Law. No more lessons learned and public officials fudge and lies for public deaths and injuries.
34. Public inquiry into Deepcut Barracks and LIBOR and Saudi arms deals eg National Guard and GPT/Eads and BAE etc.
35. Green High Court specialism for trials of pollution etc.
Time for Kent:
1. Create Margate Town Council and link to East Kent Council of Mayors to reduce costs and increase scrutiny.
2. Reduce KCC and TDC councillors to 9 per town and end double-hatters and more than one family member per party.
3. Extradite Infratil Directors for trial over Manston corporate manslaughter and pollution: Bogoievski, Baker, Fitzgerald and Clarke and Buchanan and Pedro in the control tower.
4. Close and cleanup Thor mercury and Police inquiry into banned factory from 1988 still open and polluting: Environment Agency and HSE failure.
5. DFID Broken Society Office in Ramsgate for Third World and emphasis on Discovery Park for TB research/manufacturing.
6. East Kent Economic Development annual report and direct Westminster funding for clarity and end Maidstone waste, and GDP, GNP and GDH comparisons.
7. Establish East Kent-West Europe programmes with Belgium, Holland and France and increase/improve twin towns activity eg with Africa etc.
8. Provide a foot passenger ferry for Ramsgate Port: ultra-green and non-HGV with Ostend, Dunkirk and Boulogne.
9. Establish East Kent Film Studio and Office in Ramsgate, and link with Dreamland and Paramount theme park.
10. Ensure sewers and water supply fit for purpose and zero landfill, cremation or waste export.
11. Fund food banks and detail DSS/Housing benefit restrictions and create OneGov.
12. Ban ships off Margate and provide flood/tsunami warning system and repair cliffs and flood defences.
13. Seek City of Culture after Hull 2017.
14. East Kent-East Asia focus for sustainable and Climate Change growth.
15. Publish embedded water and Climate Change product info and ban Total, Union Carbide and tobacco, arms, booze and non-Kent KCC investments. Establish Civil Service ban list: no public sector jobs for civil servant failure.
The pensioners have failed us.
KCC and TDC have failed us.
The main political parties have failed us.
Our councillors and civil servants are mere criminals hiding behind the rosette and bureaucracy whitewash.
The 1970’s are over.
Sandys has resigned and Gale will go too after 30 years of failure and Third World deprivation levels in Kent.
Time for Young Kent.
Time for 21st Century Kent.
Time for Climate Change Kent.
A cleaner, greener and younger Kent.
Time for Change
For office and volunteers and fundraisers and info please email: and a copy of this leaflet and a poster to put in your window or email/photocopy and pass to a friend.
Garbutt for Mayor in 2014 and MP in 2015.
Time for Change.
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