Monday 13 April 2015

Broken Election. And toxic questions for Farage

Thanks to the many wellwishers but I refuse to stand as MP or Mayor in this election.

My blog post below on the illegal Cunningham nomination and Press Complaint to the Gazette on my manifesto provide details.

But interesting and pleasing to see the District candidates list of those who have stood down: Harrison, Nicholson, Moores, Hart and of course CEO Macgonigal after the shocking corruption and fraud and incompetence at TDC.

But where are the Police for say the 0% fraud or are civil servants above the law or it most be covered up to preserve the reputation oft he council we vote for and fund?

Which of our new councillors and MP's will be calling for a Police investigation of the Ancient Regime?

The last scoundrels are Everitt, Bayford, Campbell and Latchford and Heale (bizarrely the last 2 already KCC councillors but desperate to be District doublehatters and stifle debate).

Vote for anyone but them.

Bizarrely you can't actually vote for Ramsgate Town Council it seems as there seems to be a random assumption that TDC councillors would fill RTC seats too? Perhaps a legacy of the charter trustees farce that still operates for Margate.

An RTC seat is certainly not linked to a TDC seat - so where is the election for it?

And 3 questions for Farage now supporting Manston - although equivocating as to whether he can actually reopen it.

1. Nigel, when did you know the aquifer was under the runway and was contaminated and how will you clean it up?

2. And when did you question Latchford, as TDC Deputy Leader, when TDC and Infratil removed the monitors?

3. How contaminated is Thor and how will you clean it up?

It seems to me absentee MP's and won't be putting any effort into improving the towns and contamination sites.

Why would they?

Time for Change

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