Sunday 2 June 2019

Ramsgate collapse continues - literally

The collapse of the Ramsgate Tunnels stage with minor injuries and the seafront cordoned off with police and ambulances highlights many of the same problems infecting East Kent.

An amateurish and sloppy and underfunded approach to the seafront by RTC council and TDC and KCC - many if not most of the councillors on all 3 organisations. Wasn't a Margate Council stage borrowed at one point before this homemade version of pallets and sellotape?

Little change can be expected at TDC with Bob Bayford and Madeline Homer CE in charge: former councillor Ian Driver raising salient points:

While Dreamland on Ramsgate seafront is still clouded in murk that rivals only Ramsgate's Pleasurama:

Who is capable of running major seafront and retail projects in SE England?

Indeed revitalising the High Streets after the mess of Westwood Cross and reviewing the council rates etc.

But let's hope Mayor Raushan, with all elections now over and Summer season begun, gets a firm grip of Ramsgate seafront beyond just mere policing as the rot of the Shonky years festers.

Especially after the excellent Police Review meeting last week led by councillors Constanine and Lewis and Raushan. Improvements already happening.

At least the ambulances and cop cars show Kent Police does actually exist on a weekend in our seaside towns. While the weak promotion - the Town Promoter contract is aptly up for review - prevented fewer injuries. A John Deere tractor a small consolation in blocking off the beach from the success of the other Seaside cars event (again who knew?).

Clearly RTC under FOI-shy and the astonishing purdah election misconduct of Clerk Richard Styles has failed beyond a jumble sale ragged approach to events and the seafront.

From illegal parked cars to Pleasurama to the marina a new approach is needed.

We simply can't afford for Bayford and Homer and Styles to continue to run amok on the rates.

They need to leave the collapsing stage of Kent.

Time for Change

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