Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Corporate manslaughter for Kent in 2012

With the rampant abuses at Manston from banned flights by Infratil to civil service endangering the public and political whitewash it’s time for corporate manslaughter charges against Infratil and KCC and TDC.

Removing noise and air monitors is a crime.

Especially for an airpot slated for expansion and funded on the rates.

Banned flights is a crime.

Banned overflights is a crime.

All we’ve had is the piecemeal removal of problems and scapegoats and payoffs.

Charles Buchanan the former CEO of London City Airport must know that.

So must Morrison and Fitzgerald and Clarke and the Infratil Directors for one of New Zealand’s largest aviation companies.

So must Flybe and Cargolux as they beat a retreat from fines and jail at Kent’s moist mismanaged airport.

So will Carter and King and Wild at KCC - funding Manston on the rates and ignoring the removed monitors.

So will, now, Hart and McGonigal at TDC – a year since the previous fake consultation and the sacking of the Gang of Four and Manston Parkway and now the ludicrous fandango and cover-up and silence goes on.

So will Button and Sproates and Berry at TDC responsible for monitoring and contaminated land and water.

So will Pearce at the Environment Agency.

Shuffling the memos around and looking for scapegoats and playing the blame game won’t stop the jail door form clanging shut.

Flushing out the scum and scoundrels of the Gang of Four is one thing as is a gong for Gale to ease his way into retirement.

No votes for poisoning your own citizens.

No tax-jobs for poisoning your own citizens.

But these are crimes.

Repeated and deliberate.

Cancer victim crimes.

The noise monitors were removed in 2006 – so the criminal pretence of monitoring.

With the monitors the airport would have closed years ago as a public helaht danger.

Not even with the crime of the runway on the aquifer and silence form outr councils.

It can’t be the money.

There’s plenty of well-paid staff.

There’s $2Bn in budget at KCC and $60M at TDC. And Ramsgate's missing $20M each year.

There’s at least $2M in missing fines – never mind the safety and terrorism danger.

It’s a political and civil service and aviation crime.

Here’s an example of the death toll from asbestos:
– horrifyingly with 90% of schools still ridden with the substance.

Or Thor mercury banned in 1988 but remaining open.

These are crimes.

We seem to have accepted that politicians and civil servants can do as they like.

But they go to jail.

Enron’s criminal directors went to jail.

So will Buchanan and Infratil.

Archer and Aitken went to jail so will Gale and Sandys if they lie on oath in court.

So will our civil servants and councillors.

What they knew and when they knew it and what action they took will be key.

Denial and lies and silence won’t help.

The wheels have come off Kent.

Liars and thieves and cretins in power. The economy in freefall. Rampant overbuild. Closed services and bloated wages and pensions for failures.

As Mayor I will:

1. Police inquiry to jail Buchanan and Carter and extradite the Infratil Directors for trial
2. Reimpose the Infratil Manston fines
3. Cancel ChinaGate with the political payoffs
4. Cancel Pleasurama-Bungarama with the tax haven and mystery plans
5. Cancel the appalling overbuild of Caffyns/Rover garage: 39 flats and houses to replace 6 flats after Brian White council vandalism
6. Reopen all the closed museums and toilets and beach shelters and beach huts – and fund from tax
7. A quarterly P45 committee to review KCC and TDC civil service performance, staffing, wages, pensions and benefits – with full FOI
8. TDC council tax strike: funds redirected to the towns and reviewed with Police oversight
9. Impound and sell cargo ships berthed off Margate and a free electricity levy on the windfarms
10. A free tablet PC for every schoolchild – as in Thailand - and discounted mobile phones for under 16’s and OAP’s – as in India.
11. Pfizer and Viiv for Third World Thanet: TB vaccines, malaria and nets
12. End asbestos in schools
13. Impose car parking charges o Westwood Cross
14. A priority on no use empty housing and town centres - with specified room sizes: astonishing in the 21st centrury there aren;t specified minimu room sizes, property/land footrpint ratio and greenbelt and a Climate Change levy on unnecessary construction
15. Create a Utility Officer role for water etc
16. Review windfarm and solar and Port policies and end animal exports

Our pensioner-councillors and corrupt civil servants have failed us.

Nothing but lies and flannel and say nothing and do nothing.

And cancer for their children and grandchildren and even themselves.

Garbutt for Mayor in 2012.

Carter and Buchanan in Pentonville.

Time for Change.

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