Friday 31 May 2019

Manston airport: Helix/Riveroak reply

Hi Nick

Thanks for your reply: can you clarify your role at Helix and in the DCO?

I'm unclear why you are surprised at myself and the public, and police, participating in the DCO by requesting information of yourself. Especially given previous issues at Manston and media coverage.

Can you advise on the questions I've raised that are unanswered and provide any documents you think relevant to support your view. Helix directors are also available media and public questions?

Could you also clarify that you understand the East Kent drinking water is underneath the runway and there are missing Infratil/Stagecoach fines.


On Friday, 31 May 2019, 09:00:16 BST, Nick Rothwell wrote:

Dear Mr. Garbutt,

I am surprised by your e-mail if you are standing for Parliament as you should understand the public process that is a DCO.

I further do not understand your reasoning for copying your e-mail to various persons of the Kent police.

As with this public process all documentation and submissions have been provided to the Public Examiner and this has all been disclosed on their website. This fully discloses our involvement and where UK residents are involved are all fully disclosed to HMRC.

Finally, as you are aware there are the public hearings all of next week which all interested parties and the public in general may attend. If you cannot attend I believe that it is fully recorded and again made available on the Public Examiners web site.


Nick Rothwell

From: Kim Stuppan
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019 16:51
To: Nick Rothwell ; Rico Seitz
Subject: WG: Claudia Thalmann Helix corp: Manston airport and Riveroak public inquiry
Importance: High

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