Sunday 19 May 2019

Raushan for Ramsgate Mayor Revival beyond TDC corruption

As Ramsgate's first female Asian mayor, Raushan has swept away the stain of UKIP. Now as a new broom she has the leeway to reform RTC and TDC:

1. Pleasurama: on her first day, Raushan can issue a municipal order cancelling any sale, call in the police and remove the fence and concrete pillars for a public consultation before another Summer is lost. The dodgy deals under both Tories and Labour have gone on too long. Bayford as Deputy Leader under the Gang of Four and now Leader must know of something given sharing an office with Terence Painter the site estate agent. Even details on how Blueberry Homes in Broadstairs the local property developer bought the site from the Caymans and Panama etc etc? My Big Fat Gypsy Police Chief needs to spend less time with the gypsies and more on such policies.

2. Manston airport. Much the same corruption as Pleasurama with the Infratil crimes of removing air pollution monitors with TDC assistance and faking the data. A bumper crop of cancer rather than jobs with the assistance of the Homer-Howes regime and clerks Berry, Button and Sproates.

Again, Raushan can cancel the Riveroak dodgy bid via Delaware tax havens and wherever else by Roger Gales Wiggins friends. If needs be a £1 CPO would end the nonsense.

And Chief Pughsley must be frothing at the mouth to begin Infratil extradition from NZ: handcuffs and orange jumpsuits and the first Kiwi criminals with a free passage back.

Or are Kent Police not keen on protecting Kent's Cancer Victims, leaving Terry the Gravedigger to bury the evidence deeper?

3. East Kent Water. The Manston aquifer is depleted under Manston hence Southern Water scrambling now to repair the sewers. A public inquiry is needed on how water is pumped in form West Kent's Bewl Water reservoir.

4. Blue Flag beaches. An ongoing success for East Kent but a slipping of standards with the far weaker UK Seaside Awards. Which Blue Flags will be regained?

5. A clearout of RTC: an astonishing breach of civil service purdah rules by Richard Styles Town Clerk with his views on elections the day before an election. And similar gross misconduct on FOI refusals on staff pay/pensions etc. New Broom and New Blood. Even Chief Pughsley urging a cleaning of the Aegean stables.

6. Harbour St £1.5M Fund: a question also for Styles on where is this fund announced c.2 years ago? A Cardigan Empire of handymen and payrises/pensions seems to have been created with Shonky not the services promised for the funding.

7. Ramsgate finances need putting on both a surer foot and responsive to local needs. the corrupt actions of TDC are matched by simply stealing Ramsgate funds to pay for Margate regeneration. Ramsgate's £17M in local tax needs to be kept in Ramsgate by the above council reforms. While the KCC £2BN funds needs to be apportioned between West and East Kent and Medway with a deprivation allowance. As with Kent Police and the abysmal local policing so far, funds need to be issued to the quangos on a quarterly basis to ensure responsiveness and scrutiny.

8. Channel air pollution: a review of shipping.

9. Nuclear pollution: faster closure of Dungeness and review of Benelux nuclear sites - plus military weapons removed eg WW1 sea dumping and SS Richard Montgomery WW2 explosives ship.

10. Town centre policing: the astonishing idleness and delays of gypsies on the promenade, town centre tramps and junkies flytipping, CCTV failure and pavement parking and pedzone breaches needs new cops before pedzone expansion from 8am to midnight and along the seafront and Arches.

11. Pfizer derelict wind turbine removed: the apathy of a council of pensioners and one party politics.

12. Brain drain reversal: 5k missing jobs at Pfizer and East Kent Core Companies: Pfizer, Hornby, Givaudan, Bakkavor, Saga cruises, Hitachi Ashford, Fujitsu,Canterbury Cathedral UNESCO, and Visit Kent. Zero effort on jobs beyond public sector padding. Zero effort
for East Kent so far form Locate in Kent and produced in Kent and Kent International Business.

13. Town wifi and buildigns insurance.

14. Demolish £8M Ramsgate gold plated fire station - not wanted by the public except the foremen themselves and but on sports ground left in perpetuity for clubs such as Charlton Athletic etc.

15. 20mph towns: Road Safety deaths and injuries increasing to be reversed.

16. Brett aggregates fishy expansion again with former/current civil servants: review.

17. Overbuild eg 100 Se rd garden grabbing and Lidl duplication not EKFOS.

18. High St Business Club needed to ensure stores remain open eg Peacocks, TUI/Thomas Cook and empty shops brought back to use etc and expand products eg Waitrose/Asda.

19. NHS and Education and PCC/police/courts: astonishing gaps of responsbility in the councils eg QEQM stroke unit and asbestos deaths of teachers and pupils and truancy/expulsions and vaccinations.

20. Cinque Port structure: one of the oldest forms of UK government for Caesar and landings attractions and Hoverport cleanup.

21. FOI: monthly routine.

22. Slipway development with Horny cancelled and return all slipways back to use: a working port not twee tourism and tickytacky housing overbuild.

23. Refurb Eastcliff bandstand and Motor museum and Port plan for Ostend and Dunkirk trade.

24. Cancel housing estates until c.3k East Kent empty houses (c.17k in Kent) are brought back into use. Absurd property overbuild and speculation.

25. Cancel RTC and TDC and KCC duplication: a waste of tax saalries and reduction of democracy and begin Direct Elections of Mayors after the parties corruption and failure.

Time for Change

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