Sunday, 5 February 2012

Asbestos Kent and Killer Roads and Pfizer

An article which geuinely horrifies me on asbestis in schools and public buildings: 4,000 deaths year of workmen, teachers and children. That's more than traffic accidents.

Now confirmed as a "national scandal":

KCC confirmed they have no central register of asbestos sites - and schools only have to log the contamination and then file it away.

And asbestos was confirmed as a danger in the 1970's.

And yet we're spending 80m of DofT funds on vanity construction projects like Roads to Nowhere, or 4th Town Centre, EKO, Caffyns housing estate and so on - what a criminal waste.

And a programme on "Killer Roads": episode 3 is on the Goudhurst stretch of road in Kent as one of the most dangerous roads in Britain with unbelievable pictures of dozens of cars turned over and several deaths - for the sake of a few bollards, 20mph zone and pinch-points.

I presume there are no details of accident blackspots in Thanet.

6Bn quid at KCC, 60M quid at TDC and 300k at RTC plus all the budgets for Police, NHS, Education and so on and it's impossible to have healthy buildings or safe roads.

Just KCC's budget alone - your tax money - is the size of the whole GDP of Morocco.

There's plenty of money. We're wasting it on vanity projects and bloated layers of civil servant salaries and pensions telling us there is no money and they're working jolly hard and it's all just impossible. And better to close everything down - but staff up to do so. Or maybe an extra quango. Or a series of meetings.

A P45 never seems viable does it? Nor publishing FOI of salaries and pensions and benefits.

Government of the people by the civil service for the civil service. Rubberstamped by politicians.

No wonder turnout at elections is so feeble. Every piece of research points to the problem being dissatisfaction with the parties themselves. They're simply not representative any more. As old-fashioned as the fax or the Whigs.

And reports of a Yellow Fever outbreak in Cameroon - in the 21st century we seem unable to provide vaccination programmes or clean water for the Third World - as we've done in Britain for decades.

While Pfizer one of the largest pharma factories in the world is in danger of being closed down - or bizarrely bought by LMO - the people who built Bicester Shopping Village - Tshirts and flip flops among the bunsen burners? Knock it down and build another Westwood Cross with a Tesco this time? Locate in Kent the KCC regen organisation and KCC taking a year to get the estate agents involved?

Time for Change.

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