Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Cancer coppers and cancer councillors and cancer civil servants

Kent on Sunday letter:

Tim Collins writes eloquently on the potential for reform at Kent Police as elected Commissioner. Aside from a Most Wanted, or removing criminals from the Force or even reform of procurement and weapons, surely Kent Police are simply a political tool?

What else explains the silence over Thor mercury and repeated flight breaches at Manston airport and the mix of blatant lies and misinformation over the removal of noise and air monitors by Messrs Carter and Buchanan and various TDC officials including the now sacked-with-shtum payments Gang Of Four senior TDC political and civil service leadership?

Perhaps Chief Constable Ian Learmonth needs to get his trousers on and get some arrests made for corporate manslaughter before Kent Police is completely discredited – and cancer cases rise amongst his coppers.

Or is he waiting for Buchanan and his Infratil directors to hand themselves in, or simply fly away – and then rely on Tim Collins and his mercenaries – sorry, counter-insurgency strategists - to bring them back from Down Under in chains?


Another drab budget from the Cancer Councillors. Merely staffing up on the rates with a 20% increase of c.100k.

And bizarrely raising the rates to then save it – presumably for mistakes, pensions and shtum payments.

Of more concern is that Dave as a District Councillor as well as a Town Councillor seems incapable of reforming RTC or TDC.

Simply staffing up both when they’re the worst councils in Britain is just tax n’ waste: 750 staff at TDC and now 4 at RTC each on #40k salaries and pensions and expenses.

If they’re staffing but not sacking then it’s the same stale duffers sloshing around doing less just as badly.

And why have the same councillors duplicated in each council – one of them seems redundant. It’s just Party fanatics trying to stifle democracy and pad out their expenses. As Mayor I would withhold TDC council tax and fund joint services and cuts with the other towns.

With Prime Minister salaries and 0% fraud our civil servants seem to be relying on simply remaining silent on fraud and incompetence and cashing in as long as possible.

And the councillors supposed to scrutinize them actually helping them to do so at public expense and in secrecy.

Why haven’t the Police been called in for an investigation of Manston, Thor and our civil servants – or would they be investigating the Town or District councillors when they’re one and the same?

Thanet’s cancer victims seem to be relying on the very councillors that covered up the removal of monitors in 2006 – and fake reports every month since.

And why hasn’t the FOI of salaries, pensions, benefits and contracts been published each month – it’s been law since 2005?

Time for Police arrests

Time for less cancer

Time for TDC reform

Time for Change

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