Wednesday 23 September 2015

Volkswagen and Infratil pollution: same?

With Volkswagen fiddling the air pollution data on their engines, what exactly is the difference with that and Infratil and KCC/TDC removing the noise and air monitors from Manston airport when it was due to expand?

The main difference seems to be Infratil's Board and Kent Police and TDC/KCC covering up the pollution damage.

At least VW have apologized, are investigating and have set aside billions of dollars for fines.

With 500k deaths from air pollution in EU and at least 30k in UK, KCC and TDC have deliberately worked with Infratil (and Gloag) to avoid fines and endanger the public at Manston for years.

And of course to fiddle the UK's overall emissions data.

No wonder for example UK's newborn mortality rate is double that of Sweden: c.2k extra infant deaths. And Kent's mortality rate is one of the worst in UK.

Apart from the Chief's pension, why have Kent Police not made arrests of say Infratil's Fitzgerald and Clark and Buchanan, and Berry, Button and Sproates at TDDC as a start?

Next they'll be covering up Thor mercury and Southern Water again - the latter now fined in Sussex for polluting the beaches.

Time for Change

Tim's Titbits:

* #globalgoals launch on Friday: not one Kent public sector organisation signed up yet
* 100 SE Rd garden grabbing/Christopher Gent construction site dragging on: Cllr Peter Evans of TDC Planning Chair in hiding and Simon Thomas Planning Director refusing to return calls - not a leg to stand on mere silence
* UKIP conference tomorrow: no doubt good for a laugh with Thanet UKIP crumbling already - and Manston part of national manifesto
* check out the Most Wanted poster/PDF at for the infratil crimes: in less than 18 months since it was issued almost all of the people listed have been sacked/jailed/resigned
* silence on the Ramsgate Port slipways demolition...
* silence on the Richboro Connection: both running cables through the SSSI Pegwell Bay itself and whether pylons on land will be buried...

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