Sunday 11 April 2010

Infratil and a Tale of Two Brians

Still no rely from Tom Wilson of Infratil on why planes are continuing to breach the overflight ban at Manston and douse the towns in aviation fuel discharge.

Email pasted in to follow.

And still no news from Brian White – formerly Environment Director and now a quick job title change and 0% salary increase to Director of Regeneration - on why TDC removed the noise and air monitoring at Manston.

Helping Infratil to downgrade the public safety measures as the airport was expanding verges on manslaughter.

And even as late as the night flight announcement last July removing the main benzene monitor at the airport.

And still the planes fly.

Breaching the overflight ban in place for years.

Yet repeatedly breached with the collusion of our own councillors and civil servants.

Or will they blame each other? Or all keep silent?

And planes landing onto the towns’ drinking water supply – under the runway and discharging into Pegwell Bay.

You couldn’t make it up could you?

But how many dead? And what if there is a crash before the airport closes?

Yet here’s a 2nd Brian: Brian Gibson of Dover Council and the Kent Air Quality quango (KMAQP) of all the District environment officers like Brian White and Amanda Berry to enforce air pollution.

Again no explanation on why the Manston monitors were removed. And as worrying it seems 2nd Brian and KMAQP aren’t sure of what road or shipping pollution is carried out in Kent.

With air quality a “national scandal” as detailed in the latest Parliamentary report with over 50,000 unnecessary deaths in the UK - each year - it’s less than reassuring that our civil servants seem not to have a clue what they’re doing or are actively assisting unrecorded and higher pollution.

And wouldn’t removing monitors or fudging data means the death rate is actually higher? 50,000 a year already seems a lot. A town the size of Margate dead each year.


Silence on the clean up at Thor and Richboro and the Gasworks - TDC aren't hoping to delay it or forget it are they? That is mercury and arsenic and cyanide in the soil.

Silence from the Brians.

Silence from Messrs Ladyman and Gale and Sandys.

Silence from 56 councillors.

The stirrings of a Parkway station from Messrs Carter and Gale even as late as last month but now only silence.

Only a fool would build an airport next to the towns. And on the runway. And remove the monitors.

Wouldn’t they?

Not good for votes is it poisoning your own citizens? And doesn’t it actually reduce the amount of council tax and income tax?

At least Infratil would have a successful airport business by reducing the local population.

What have they been doing for all these years. And on the rates too?

Time for Change

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