Friday 25 November 2011

Made-up Airport figures and Manston

An article in The Times on 7th Novemebr detailing how "Regional numbers don't add up say airlines".

In brief it details regional traffic figures form airports around the Uk and how they're utter nonsense eg Humberside claiming to grow to 12M passengers: 12x the population of the region.

The head of Virgin Atlantic(!) described the figures as "utterly ridiculous".

Clearly with Manston, claims of an airport the size of Stansted are nonsense: equivalent to the whole population of Kent and London flying 2 or 3 times a year.

The real issue is why Infratil are using these figures to gain public funds.

Why councillors believe them.

And why KCC are peddling construction-nonsense such as Manston Parkway.

To remove the monitors to downgrade the cancer cost - especially at an airport slated for expansion - is of course a crime.

As is the EA and TDC failing to protect the aquifer.

With the Gang of Four facing arrest warrants - as will Infratil and KCC - the question is who at TDC removed the monitors?

Time for Change.

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