Tuesday, 8 May 2012

It’s Time for change tomorrow: Mayor election

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the mayor election for Ramsgate Town Council at 7pm. Dave stands down and I’ll be standing as a vote of no confidence and directly elected mayor: Stop the Pollution, Stop the Corruption, Stop the Constuction. Raise your hand and 30 years of failure is over. A directly elected mayor can restructure not just the civil service but also the elected council. Too many councilors. Too many civil servants. Too much tax n waste. Too much failure. 1. Close Manston, a WPZ and arrest Infratil 2. Close Thor and Police inquiry into EA 3. Police investigation into 0% civil service fraud - by the most senior civil servants - and missing Manston fines 4. Begin Poole’s Pool: a 2012 swimming pool – the Olympics upon us and nothing done 5. Call for Special measures and TDC council tax strike for funds to RTC 6. Reopen tourism offices – and retain volunteer offices 7. Cancel Pleasurama-Bungarama with Police investigation 8. Reopen Town hall and repair Eastcliff bandstand and Westcliff lift 9. Reopen Dreamland, create Margate Town Council and demolish Arlington 10. Begin East Kent Film office: film jobs for East Kent not West Kent 11. Pfizer growth: Viiv and Going Glaxo fund 12. SME and Bank Forum for growth $2.3Bn tax at KCC and $60M at TDC each year – simply wasted or spent on tarmac and civil service vanity projects and bloat. A Lost Decade and 30 years of failure - leaving only Ground Zero and Year Zero. Time for Change

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