Sunday, 22 April 2012

Duffers. They just don’t get it

The RTC meeting last Wednesday was much of the same tripe. Only half the 16 councillors turned up. It turned out to be the required 3rd meeting – almost no notice as I don’t think the clerks can work the website – two meetings before the required 4th meeting. So in a year 2 of the 4 public meetings within a fortnight of each other. The 9th May meeting is for the election of the Mayor. Normally this is secret with The Duffers passing it among themselves as some sort of Duffer Ceremony. Which is what it has been. Dave came out with an attempt that somehow the public can’t directly nominate the Town Mayor. Some guff about a – nonexistent - Thanet mayor being legal. Thanet isn’t a town Dave. The public choose the councillors and the mayor. Richard Stiles at one point – after all the councillors kept shtum about FOI – refused to disclose salaries although other costs could be released. Although they weren’t on the website. His salary apparently is much less than 40k. They just don’t get it. FOI means all costs. Because they’re funded by the public. Questions on Manston and Thor met with some off the cuff guff about interceptors so no oil spillage, not sure when Infratil leave or how Manston and Thor will be cleared up. You can guess. But why haven’t the councillors released the contamination levels? Lots of repetition about how everything is TDC’s fault. Given almost all the councillors are doublehatters for RTC and TDC this seems bizarre. It’s the same people. They are the problem. They just don’t get it. The 1970’s are over. Dodgy corruption and construction deals. Pollution. Secret costs and contracts and reports. Automatic tax increases. Duffers bumbling around on ceremony and guff. It’s over. 100% FOI. as routine. Clear and specific policies. No poisoning your own citizens on the rates. Dave and the Duffers who run RTC have been doing it for 3 years now. And TDC. And TDC for years before that. They could have years more and millions more and still leave the towns as a dump. Many of the older Duffers may not even last the Winter. And leave not just a Lost Decade but their children and grandchildren with nothing more than cancer and the cleanup bill. Apparently there’s 2 windfarm hotel ships – so the grand economic strategy is to have a tax-port to create a tax-windfarm and the jobs actually live and sleep on a ship in the Channel. Presumably they row ashore once a month for toilet paper and Pot Noodles. Not really an economic boon. As Mayor I’ll remove those ships and provide a boon to the hotel and pub and restaurant trade. Councillors wringing their hands on animal exports and nothing can be done. They just don’t get it. Animal exports will not use the tax-Port either – even if a ship blockade is required again. Presentations on the suggested sell-off of Albion House by the Duffers – presumably the furniture and artifacts have been dumped. Along with manifestos. And a presentation on the Ramsgate Tunnels. Asbestos surveys etc have taken up the 50k grant from last year. Nothing done. Layers of tax-bureaucrats hired to say there’s no money and nothing can be done and tax will rise. Every job a cancer job or a tax-job. And Dave says corruption what corruption I don’t know of any corruption can you tell me afterwards. Tripe. Ask McGonigal and Button for the missing monitors and missing $2M fines and 0% salary fraud. Or Pierce and Sproates at EA for the toxin levels at Thor and missing fines. Or any of the councillors on any of the above or Pleasurama-Bungarama or ChinaGate. Or the Gang of Four and shtum payments on the rates. You’re a TDC councillor and an RTC councillor and the Mayor. If not you then who? They just don’t get it. A Mayor for 3 years and playing a child’s guessing game of everything’s terrific what could be wrong? Bullshit and Bureacracy for failure. One party state. It’s over. The Duffers are the problem. A bottom 10% council. Same faces in a pensioners club relying on secrecy and bullshit. They just don’t get it. 9th May vote Garbutt for a directly elected Ramsgate Town Mayor. It’s easy. You raise your hand. You’re the public. You decide. Not the national rosettes or these duffers and clerks riding the decline down. Although where the meeting will be held is anybody’s guess as the Custom House is too small even for the 50 or so people the other night. Time for Change. Breaking NEWS: Kent Police fraud squad to question Carter and King on flawed expenses and KCC on all its VAT returns: Garbutt preparing for the May 2013 directly-elected KCC Leader election: not East Kent, not West Kent but One Kent. Time for Change.

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