Thursday, 12 April 2012

Manston-Infratil: Bring Bogoievski Back

I’ve received a note from the Environment Agency – yet another appalling Government dept – announcing that as a consultee to the 2010/11 consultation on Infratil pollution at Manston, that Infratil have announced they won’t be following/continuing the cleanup (none seem to have been done anyway) as the airport is up for sale.

In effect refusing to follow the pollution regulations, delaying and delaying and now deciding not to bother anyway.

Paint down the drain was the EA's staement on water pollution, remember?

I quite admire Infratil for leading your councillors and your civil servants on for so long and poisoning your children don’t you?

And TDC councillors bumble around wondering if air pollution or an airport on the water supply is a good idea or not.

Why should the Environment Agency care? They’re funded by your tax regardless – unless they’re sacked or jailed.

They certainly don’t soak up the pollution from an unregulated airport.

Why should Infratil care? They’re walking away from Manston as soon as they can.

It’s time for change.

It’s time to Bring Bogoievski Back – the CEO of Infratil in NZ.

A company that in the last financial year was operating $2Bn – about the same size as all of KCC’s tax funds – (why KCC was funding them is a separate matter for the Toxic Three of Carter, King and Wild).

And Infratil is busy raising funds for its NZ airports – run by Steve Fitzgerald and Matt Clarke: remember them?

They're a long way away from the pollution now.

The Manston fines haven’t been paid. Nor any fines for pollution or banned EU flights.


Silence from TDC and KCC as they scurry around pretending that they knew nothing of removing monitors – for 6 years. Nothing of emission levels 4x EU safety levels. Nothing of discharges into Pegwell bay. Nothing of offroute flights.

Or certainly no action.

Infratil haven’t pulled out because of regulation by TDC or KCC or the Environment Agency. They’ve pulled out because the scam is up. As with the fake EUJet and KCCUSA projects the pollution cost can’t be covered up any longer.

Buchanan and Pedro in the radar tower can twist in the wind as far as the NZ Directors are concerned when they’re charged by Kent Police (or the Met if KP don’t feel upto crimesolving in Kent) - currently scampering around pretending they can’t arrest civil servants or politicians or aviation businessmen.

And they’ll hope Bogoievski won’t be extradited.

Let them haggle over the fines from a prison cell rather than the Infratil boardroom.

Bring him Back. Voluntarily or extradited in chains.

As Mayor I’ll sign the arrest warrant for Buchanan and Bogoievski and Police investigation into Manston and Thor.

As Mayor I’ll sign the Closure Notice for Manston as a public health danger.

As Mayor I’ll sign the invoice and fines for Manston for Infratil and Environment Agency.

The second five minutes will cancel Ramsgate’s $20M council tax funds for KCC and TDC and demolition of Arlington, reopen Dreamland and create Margate Town Council.

Manston will close. It won’t be sold. And the blame game can begin between the scum and scoundrels involved.

It won’t help your children though if they’re already contaminated will it?

Time For Change: a directly-elected Mayor 9th May

(copy and paste this sign onto an A4 sheet and place in your window and email to friends and add to Facebook etc:)

Time for Change

Garbutt for directly-elected Mayor 9th May

Ramsgate Town Hall: raise your hand for change

Bring Bogoievski Back and a Police inquiry into Manston

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