Monday 22 June 2009

Paul Carter to speak at Manston?

What is there to say?

Yes we have no noise or air monitors and we don’t care?

Yes we allow dumped jumbo jets, night flights and overflights of the towns and we don’t care.

Yes we do care but not enough to do anything.

Yes we'll say we're doing something. Is the meeting over yet?

Yes we’ve built the airport on the drinking water supply?

Yes the water supply is polluted?

Yes TDC is one of Britain’s worst councils and in KCC’s area?

Yes 70% of council tax in Thanet is provided to KCC: £60M

Yes KCC has a £2B budget

Jobs! Jobs!!! Jobs!!! Look at the jobs created since EUJet went bust. Look.

A cancer job for everyone at Manston.

Don’t show me the figures that prove it.

No I can’t mention the Tesco bag of receipts for ChinaGate and political donations.

No I can’t mention the 0% pay rises but £25,000 pay rises for TDC.

Both of those would be admitting fraud and besides what’s wrong with the developer funding the largest-ever Planning application and pay rises that aren't but are.

And no I definitely can’t mention the noise and air monitors being removed: that would be fraud and manslaughter if anyone’s died or been poisoned.

Gulp. There hasn’t has there?

And the radar too? A DVD player for compensation? Oh heck.

KCC suing Infratil? Erm. We can’t because you pay us so we’d have to charge you more to safeguard you. Yes that’s it. Even if we don’t. Oh.

A crash with noise monitors and radar missing or not working? Gulp.

It hasn’t happened yet and it might never happen. That’s why the radar’s not working. Would I be liable personally as Head of KCC? Erm. I’ll ask Geoff Wild the County lawyer who you pay for in case I’m respnsible …Oh heck.

Geoff? Where are you Geoff? Could we say we're liable but not liable?

It’s Ladyman’s fault or Gale’s. Ask Laura. No don’t. Ask Roger instead. Not about expenses.

No the £110M in bank charges at KCC can’t be redeployed to Thanet. We need that to pay the banks to handle the Government funds and public’s council tax funds.

No Geoff Wild the County lawyer can’t issue permits to remove the dumped jumbo jets on the drinking water supply: he and his 86 KCC lawyers are busy on bumf. Noise monitors get in the way anyway.

Could we say there's "appropriate" noise monitoring? Geoff?!

No we can’t waive the 5% lowest-council-tax-increase-ever with 0% inflation.

We always raise tax.

Oh heck.

No KCC cannot employ more of the public as regeneration fails at the coast.

We’re hoping Manston will take off as a Big Project that fills up the shortfall of 20,000 East Kent jobs because if it doesn’t then we’ll… erm

No Manston couldn’t be developed like Kings Hill: we only do that in West Kent.

East Kent needs a cargo airport opposite Ostend cargo airport built on the drinking water.

Oh heck.

Look at the success of EuJet and Planestation And KCC’s US flights. That proves that it’s viable as an airport. Despite them all going bust. Yes. Even the RAF made a go of it by closing it. Oh.

Is the meeting over yet?

Paul Carter to speak at Manston.

Brian White and Richard Samuel and the Gang of Four are too busy to attend after their 0% pay rises.

Silence from councillors: if they speak then somehow they’re “predetermining” or some such cobblers.

Could the public be put at the end of the agenda so we run out of time? We could have another meeting some other time. Yes. That’s it. Dissemble and delay.

The planes are still breeching the 106? Erm.

Ramsgate Town Hall is fully booked so the airport lounge has to be used for public meetings.

This meeting’s in public although usually they aren’t: much better to do these things behind closed doors.

But there will be 6M passengers at Manston : 6x the Kent population and all of the London population flying from the airport that’s the furthest away from Maidstone and Boris Johnson’s Windsor-Heathrow constituency.

New terminal being built – only cargo sheds built instead. Erm it's not a 24/7 cargo airport. No. And an EU freight border post? Erm for passengers?

We've done a consultation over Xmas! And amongst ourselves. 100% of KCC Leaders are in favour of a cargo airport in Kent.

CGP ChinaGateway new CGP Jet Summit back-to-front building built on the water supply not brownfield land.

Paul Carter to speak at Manston.

Don’t all rush at once and leave the tar and feathers at home.

Bring Paul a souvenir of Thor drinking water though.

But will Paul:

#Fund webcams and websites for TDC and RTC?
#Ban night flights and overflights and enforce the 106
#Remove the dumped jets
#Sack the Gang of Four
#Return the 0% pay rises
#Return the ChinaGate dodgy donations
#Instigate Police patrols at Manston and Thor
#Publish the Thor toxin reports
#Publish the “scores on the doors” of KCC and TDC depts staff numbers, payroll, costs, expenses, investments/shares
#And quangos and arms length companies like EKO and Serco
#Publish TDC all councillor costs and expenses
#Announce KCC’s investment plans for Thanet given the failure of Manston

Paul Carter to speak at Manston.

More meetings planned.

Onward ever onward.

Meeting after meeting after meeting for polluted drinking water and cancer jobs.

Jobs!!!! There aren’t any but let’s pretend there will be or could be.

Just don’t look too closely.

Back to the 1970's. Cargo airports. Mercury factories. Dole-by-sea.

Failed. Failed. Failed.

Time for Change.

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