Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Boycott the election to stop the pollution, stop the corruption

and stop the construction...

A quick note that Ramsgate Town Council has (another!) public meeting on 10th May to sign off accounts (not produced yet), vote on Mayor and Deputy (a year gone already and no candidates announced) and discuss purchasing Custom House and/or Albion House and costs. Or not. It's like a rotten borough of the 1970's isn't it?

Lots of meetings.

Short notice or no notice.

No agendas or minutes.

No taperecording or webcam.

No web updates since November

Vague reports or none at all.

Easier to hustle things through.

Detail of meeting tomorrow with BBC TV for Infratil, the 12 cargo ships of Cliftonville, a staff note on options for Chatham House/Clarendon at existing sites or Hereson/Holy Cross site, and Kent Police Special Branch (although there might be a Specialer Branch for major crime) - Infratil briefed them on how there's excellent monitorng - but forget to mention the monitors were removed in 2006.

Worth remembering all 3 main party candidates: Sandys, Ladyman and Gale are tightlipped on Infratil and Thor and pollution. None of them have raised these issues publicly or in Parliament.

Nor why the airport is built on the drinking water supply.

Or Thor closed in 1988 - but didn't.

Or the strange goings on of Pleasurama tax havens and 0% pay rises.

Refusing to vote and pushing the turnout under 50% demonstrates no popular mandate.

Certainly not for silence, deceit or the vaguest of promises and mere Party loyalty.

Our politicians and civil servants have failed us:

· major pollution incidents and cover-up: highest cancer rate in South East

· Third World death rates: 11 year death gap from rest of Kent

· deliberate pollution from Manston

· collapse of Margate

· utter waste of tax-funds and tax-salaries

Why bother voting?

The same tired parties and candidates: not one Thanet policy between them just general points on “reducing crime” and “increasing employment”.

You don’t say.

If Messrs Ladyman, Gale and Sandys could do that wouldn’t Thanet be in better condition than it is?

30 years from Mr Gale of watching Margate burn down.

13 years from Mr Ladyman of Ramsgate falling down.

3 years from Ms Sandys parachuted in to Thanet from Tory head office to say nothing.

And the election will result in a national hung parliament and will have to be restaged within 6 months or so – like every previous hung parliament.

The same farce all over again.

Let the other 1,300 MP’s and Lords vote on minor tweaks to give Britain a US-style governance and constitution - after 250 years.

Use your vote in Thanet well.

Don’t vote.

Spoil your ballot paper - think of it as “None of the above”. Although spoiled papers are often excluded from the turnout figures.

With electoral turnout already some of the lowest on record - boycott the election to show the candidates the discontent with the state of Thanet.

And boycott council tax.

With £60M in council tax each year plus national funding there is no reason why Thanet shouldn’t be sparkling.

We’re paying the money to our councillors and civil servants and it’s simply being wasted.

Cancel your direct debits.

Pay your tax by cheque but with the wrong amount or instalments.

Refuse to pay.

Delay paying.

£22M spent on civil servant salaries and increasing staff numbers and the rest sent to KCC to be wasted there on bloat and bumf.

Why pay for civil servants and councillors to fail to improve the towns.

And a council that’s rated one of the worst in Britain.

The TDC council has become Thanet Developers Council simply selling off green space and public property for property development and funding payrises and bloat – while the population declines and houses remain empty.

Every problem seems to require the solution of a new house.

Use your vote well.

Refuse to vote.

Boycott the election.

Spoil your ballot paper: either a large “x” through the whole ballot paper.

Or tear it in half and put in the ballot box.

Refuse to elect failed politicians and no policies.

The highest mortality rate in Kent.

The highest lung cancer rate in Kent.

The removal of noise and air monitors form Manston by Infratil and TDC.

Margate the worst High St in Britain.

TDC Britain’s worst council.

No Climate Change policies.

The decay and dereliction of all our towns.

Let’s have the lowest electoral turnout on record in Thanet: people voting “none of the above”- by not voting at the ballot box.

Stop the pollution. Stop the corruption. Stop the construction.

Boycott the election. Boycott council tax.

Time for Change.

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