Thursday, 13 May 2010

MK crashes and burns and Gang of Four collapses

MK airlines has surrendered its air operating certificates to the CAA after being unable to guarantee "service and air safety levels".

With Infratil skimping on noise and air monitors with TDC and the last main cargo flight being Cargolux it seems the only way our councillors and civil servants have been able to expand Manston is by removing all the safety measures.

With the drinking water supply under the runway - and the MOD Firestation nearby - it's clear that egg on face has been the priority for the Gang of Four rather than public safety.

The monitors could have been insisted on back in 2006.

They could have been replaced any week since then.


Better to fake the data and pretend all is well.

And still the planes fly.

As Messrs Latchford and Ezekiel step down, Ladyman ousted at the polls, and only the Toxic Two of Samuel and White remain to pretend nothing has been going on - and allow Infratil to continue to pollute the area along with the ChinaGate cargo warehouses debacle.;jsessionid=09BAFAEF173F949018E558584D471833.5d25bd3d240cca6cbbee6afc8c3b5655190f397fhttp:/

And silence from all our councillors and civil servants.

No cleanup schedules issued.

No stop notices provided to Infratil.

No water safety checks.

No water bowsers or bottled water if needed.


A thousand flowers should bloom across the runway to protect the water but we have only silence and coverup.

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