Sunday 15 March 2009

Sack the Gang of Four: a round-up

A round-up of various points today:

1. The Standards Board and Gang of Four. What childish behaviour and waste of public time and funds. Silly of all concerned when a proper apology would have done.

2. The Standards Board: used incorrectly in Thanet as part of childish name-calling and politicking. Councillors refusing to comment on the issues they’re elected on for the people they serve. Bureaucracy, waste and childishness. The Standards Board is designed for major breaches and proper corruption not this pointless jockeying for position. Wasting time and effort in improving Thanet. One of the most deprived areas in Western Europe.

3. Policy #1: Sack the Gang of Four. It’s good Roger Latchford is offering his resignation. It should be accepted with good grace, and Sandy’s too. I hope Roger and Sandy will serve the council and area in other ways. I already seek their support for the Legion Free Town and the Surin Village School Charity and many others would seek their commitment and industry. As the Dunkirk Group stands down surely this should be reinstituted through the Legion with a permanent memorial for Ramsgate.

4. It's clear none of our councillors or MP's have any plans to regenerate Thanet: mere empty words and fake consultations and pointless research on ChinaGate and the like.

5. Separately as MP I will seek a Korean War and UN Peace Keeping memorial for Ramsgate with the Legion: details to follow.

6. Steve Ladyman on the SEEDA Oversight committee. Good. About time. Why is £400M for the South East not spent in East Kent? And where is the other oversight of the other quangos and pseudo-KCC departments? See Policy #6: electoral reform

7. Thor mercury. Week #2. No plans for clean-up.

8. Sericol. Same.

9. Infratil. Close the airport: Policy #2. Suspend flights as a danger. Arrest Matt Clarke. Seek the extradition of Steve Fitzgerald.

10. The 106 training flights have been unilaterally changed by Infratil. No proper aviation company behaves in that way. Except under the Gang of Four. And our sheep-councillors and sheep-MP’s with no regeneration plans.

11. As MP I will recommend the withdrawal of Infratil from Prestwick and Lubeck. The pollution and political corruption in safeguarding the public must end. Steve Ladyman at least, at last, begins to realise Manston is a failed airport. As detailed by the Department of Transport in 1993. No airport on an aquifer. No over-flights of the town. No 100 or 200 jobs for an area of 200,000 people.

12. No Jobs for Cancer. The Cancer Circle widens around airports. Thanet has the highest lung cancer rate in Kent. Coalmines. Sure. Cigarettes. Not really. Cargo airport with low-level flights over the urban population without air monitoring. Yes.

13. The Viking Boat Tea Shop. TDC at its finest. A 20 page(!) tender document. For a tea cabin. With a toilet. Health and safety? Cutting yourself with the sandwich knife or falling in the toilet. Another 20 pages. Time well spent as Margate burns down and Ramsgate falls down. A cargo airport by stealth without air or noise monitoring. Let the Gang of Four’s Richard “Nixon” Samuel and Brian Whitewash brush that under the carpet: Policy #1: Sack the Gang of Four for failure.

14. Anyone seen the plans to improve the Eastcliff Bandstand or the Landings? I’d appreciate a copy of them if anyone has. Good plans. It’s such a long time since anything happened at these sites. Or the Marina restaurant. Or Pleasurama. Or the Westcliff Lift. Or Pegwell Bay clean-up. As MP I will call on Ramsgate Town Council to take over these institutions for the public good with direct KCC funding. And Margate Town Council to remove the 1960’s and 1970’s blots in the town centre. Bizarre that the unpaid Dreamland Trust produce better and faster plans than the paid civil servants?

15. Albion House, Ramsgate’s Town Hall, still locked to the public. No sign of policies from the current Town Councillors/Charter Trustees.

16. A mini-policy to end today: on election as MP I will not only close Manston airport (Policy #2) but drive a wrecking ball through the airport terminal and the Jet Summit back to front building, and cargo sheds - all built with incorrect and illegal Planning permission. I will pay for it from savings of the civil service pension funds at TDC.

What kind of shabby little towns have we let our councillors and MP’s create. Make a start: Sack the Gang of Four.

Time for Change.

Tomorrow: closing Manston and regenerating the Tourism economy. More jobs than we could ever handle. Jobs. Real jobs.

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