Monday, 12 December 2011

A Corrupt Kent Civil Service

An Open Letter to Sue McGonigal of TDC and Andy Mack District Auditor

Hi Sue and Andy

As the new TDC CE and former Finance Director and Auditor as you know I’m concerned at corruption within Thanet and Kent.

I’ve stood as MP and now Mayor on a "stop the pollution, stop the corruption, stop the construction" platform.

I’m astonished that you are reporting the TDC accounts are correct.

Clearly with now 2 Leaders resigned, political defections and one arrested – plus the senior KCC civil servant AWOL and corporate manslaughter charges and costs enquiries for expenses etc it’s astonishing.

Especially with:

• the 0% salary fraud and payoffs for failure of your predecessors
• TDC civil service staffing, salaries, expenses, pensions, benefits
• The stolen disabled grants used for carpeting your offices
• the unreleased costs on EKO: what seems to be a million pound meme for KCC and TDC to develop business parks – badly – on the rates
• the missing Manston fines: at least #2M
• political bungs eg ChinaGate donations
• Pleasurama Tax havens/mystery developments etc
• the missing Manston noise and air reports: for some 5 years now
• repeated overflights and an airport on the water supply endangering the public
• Thor mercury: banned but operating and unpublished toxin reports
• Where has Ramsgate’s #20M a year in council tax been spent?
• Ditto Tivoli Brook, Viking bay and Pegwell Bay

Clearly I hold you responsible for many of these serious failings: you have been in office in senior roles throughout this period.

Especially with Manston there have been deliberate attempts to downplay the environmental and public health dangers – hence emission levels 4x EU standards, banned planes and the ludicrous failure to allow overflights and the water supply dangers to continue.

Similarly every public consultation has been overwhelmingly against night flights – and repeated attempts to gain the opposite result.

Clearly whitewash and failure is not a valid use of public office - except to safeguard your own careers and pensions.

When will the figures and costs be published?

When will Manston and the S106 be closed?

When will the Police be called in?

I’ll publish this on my blog and forward to the Police, NHS and Southern Water and Cabinet for consideration.

My view is you should be fined and jailed and banned from public office for fraud and misuse of public office.

On a few minor points I note that:

• several depts have no service standards ie @we’ll reply when we like@
• the Commercial Property team and No use empty team have no budgets or grants etc – so presumably are being paid to do almost nothing
• the Port and Marina strategy is a year overdue
• the Margate Harbour flood defences seem flawed and dangerous
• Pfizer is due to lose 2,000 jobs in the next 12 months
• Dreamland remains derelict for another Summer?
• No 2012 activity or legacy activity exists
• the Caffyns vandalism development has c.40 flats and skyscraper cranes – when Thanet has 3,000 empty properties

These seem mere normal incompetence for a bottom 10% council but presumably for your Prime Minster-scale salaries and several years in office now you can advise on something better than staffing up with more civil servants, pay rises and no strategies of any merit other than random building?

Please advise.


Monday, 5 December 2011

BBCTV empty property scandal

BBCTV empty property scandal tonight - yet even in supposed pressure cooker South East: 9,000 empty houses in Kent.

Not even including property companies landbanks.

Why building more?

Why building on floodpalians and greenbelt?

Thursday, 1 December 2011

TDC and KCC collapses

With support slipping away, the old Gang of Four crew are fading at TDC.

The Gang of Four are gone with pay-offs and now Police arrests.

And the KCC CEO no doubt being paid off with more shtum money.

With Independents holduing the balance of power no doubt there'll be calls to:

1. Establish Margate Town Council - with a reduction in size of TDC
2. Town tax funds paid direct to the Town Councils with sharing of services as necessary
3. FOI publication of TDC and RTC staffing and salaries, EKO, 0% salary fraud, Pleasurama contracts etc
4. Police inquiry into Manston and Thor

We seem to have our councillors bumbling along to protect their Party or face-saving given sub-standard council services and pollution and corruption.

I doubt any of them have raised the Manston issues with Charles Buchanan or Thor with Andrew Pearce of the Environment Agency.

Gale and Sandys simply remain silent after 30 years of failure and 18 months of nothing - mere Party hacks.

Our councillors are simply pointless.

Without even knowing TDC staffing and expenses etc how can they even run the council?

If they do know why hasn't the info been released?

The civil servants seem to be running the council for their own benefit and councillors randomly traipsing after them with empty yap and coverup endangering the public.

Time for jail for Carter and Buchanan.

Time to close Manston.

Time to cleanup Manston and Thor

Time For Change

Saturday, 26 November 2011

No night flights - just cancer

The No Night Flights meeting last night and good public consultation has been taken out of the council’s hands.

Being "against night flights" but “for the airport” means it stays open – with cancer and noise and night flight attempts every year.

For night flights means cancer and noise all night.

Infratil and TDC have hardly done anything but lie and fly for years.

And stale pensioners remembering when the RAF polluted them on the rates.


1. It’s on the drinking water supply – our councillors hemmed and hawed over when they knew and what they’ve done and shuffled their feet

2. The noise and air monitors were removed by Infratil with KCC and TDC back in September 2006 – so there has been no monitoring. Just Infratil and TDC pretending that they have been monitoring and endangering the public.

That’s corporate manslaughter.

By Infratil and by TDC and KCC.

What councils would hem and haw over expanding an airport by removing monitors – and refusing to close it when it’s on the water supply.

And ignoring the low level overflights.

Silence from Gale and Sandys.

Against night flights but then for them after the election. Against night flights but for the Manston Parkway stealth development as late as January.

Silence from the councillors and a few shtum payments and scapegoats and try and brush it under the carpet.

Drag it out for as long as possible.

Like Union Carbide. Or Corby Council. Or Trafigura

That’s corporate manslaughter.

The Gang of Four are sacked and now it’s a Police inquiry.

Silence from Harrison and Hayton the Airport Committee Chairmen.

Silence from KIACC on why no monitoring for years.

Silence from Button and Berry and Sproates on why no monitoring.

Silence from McGonigal on the corruption accounts of fines-bit-no-fines and 0% salary fraud fro Samuel and White and Pleasurama Cayman Islands.

There will be no night flights.

The airport will close.

But why the delay to protect a few Party and Civil Service careers and face-saving.

Jail for Carter and Buchanan and extradite the Infratil Directors.

Time for Change

Friday, 25 November 2011

Made-up Airport figures and Manston

An article in The Times on 7th Novemebr detailing how "Regional numbers don't add up say airlines".

In brief it details regional traffic figures form airports around the Uk and how they're utter nonsense eg Humberside claiming to grow to 12M passengers: 12x the population of the region.

The head of Virgin Atlantic(!) described the figures as "utterly ridiculous".

Clearly with Manston, claims of an airport the size of Stansted are nonsense: equivalent to the whole population of Kent and London flying 2 or 3 times a year.

The real issue is why Infratil are using these figures to gain public funds.

Why councillors believe them.

And why KCC are peddling construction-nonsense such as Manston Parkway.

To remove the monitors to downgrade the cancer cost - especially at an airport slated for expansion - is of course a crime.

As is the EA and TDC failing to protect the aquifer.

With the Gang of Four facing arrest warrants - as will Infratil and KCC - the question is who at TDC removed the monitors?

Time for Change.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Gang of Four Collapses, Let 1,000 Flowers Bloom

With Sandy Ezekiel arrested on suspicion of fraud and misuse of public office the Gang of Four has collapsed.

Latchford sacked, and Samuel and White resigned with 0% fraud and payoffs.

All that remains is recovering the 0% salary fraud and missing £2M Manston fines and publishing the EKO and ChinaGate costs. The Labour £25k donation has been detailed but nothing else.

Silence from the TDC civil servants entrusted with monitoring and silence from the Environment Agency – I don’t understand why they aren’t being cautioned and questioned. Or were they specifically instructed not to carry out monitoring?

And silence from Buchanan no doubt awaiting the arrest warrant and extradition orders for the New Zealand Directors.

And silence on Manston pollution and Thor mercury.

With the last of the Gang of Four arrested for fraud and misuse of public office, surely a full Police inquiry into Manston, ChinaGate, EKO, 0% salary fraud, Pleasurama and Thor is long overdue.

Several of the Infratil directors for example have moved abroad to continue polluting, the Gang of Four senior civil servants have been retired with hush money, yet air and noise monitoring remains removed since 2006 with air pollution 4x EU safe levels.

We have been funding politicians and civil servants at TDC, KCC and EA to deliberately and repeatedly mislead and lie and endanger the public.

Besides being a cluster of dysfunctional councils in need of P45 reform, corporate manslaughter charges and jail sentences must be relevant.

What flimsy councillors and MP’s to simply remain silent – when will they speak up on the cancer cost?

Stop the Pollution, Stop the Corruption, Stop the Construction

A few miscellaneous points:

#astonishing to see ChinaGateway passed unanimously again by councillors given the overwhelming public opposition – as with the Labour bung and the offer of a Tory donation our councillors are always keeping quiet and then quickly delegating to civil servants to cop the blame.
#Youth unemployment: the highest figures ever in the UK – and no doubt the name in Thanet; presumably much is being done? Have a guess.
#Another awful development at the former Rover garage on Grange Rd: 39 flats and a skyscraper-style crane – abysmal town planning
#Kent Police launch the 101 non-emergency number which is rather good – and can redirect to the NHS and Coastguard etc
#McGonigal and the corruption accounts: when will the EKO figures and flights logs be provided? And if we’ve been paying for monitoring but none has been done what’s the cost of that?
#Slipway: another set of plans: yet the whole point of the Port is for it to be a working Port not a twee confection; and there’s simply no need for more buildings with 3,000 empty: TDC have failed to provide a Port and Marina plan for over a year now
#Xmas lights: an election coming so nice to see a few lights put up after ten years and two years of planning and painting lampposts
#Pleasurmama-Bungarama: still no plans or details of the Directors for this strange development – as Mayor I’ll level everything there and start again and consider an icerink and Olympic pool further along
#Bandstands: covered in graffiti and skateboarding on them which seems extraordinary given at least one is Grade 2 listed
#OAP’s in winter: shocking figures of 1,000 elderly extra deaths in Kent each winter – presumably c.100 in Thanet
#I’m speaking at a Greening the City conference in London in December
#Pegwell Bay: the towers are being demolished, how bizarre to want to spend public money to preserve them as some sort of toxic attraction, but the tourist walkway seems to have disappeared into bickering and silence again

As Mayor I’ll reserve Ramsgate’s council tax of c.£20M for RTC and reform of TDC with direct rule from Westminster.

For too long, three towns have been treated as one District with no scrutiny of civil service costs or actions. Ramsgate’s funds have simply been provided to Margate and presumably vice versa as the Party pendulum swings.

FOI means all costs need detailing – have councillors not had sight of the report and accounts and staffing costs and expenses and pensions?

Time for Change.

No votes in poisoning your citizens.

No tax-jobs for poisoning your citizens.

Jail for Carter and Buchanan and the Kiwi Directors.

No Gang of Four.

Let one thousand flowers bloom in East Kent.

Time for Change

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Ayatollah Airways flies into Kent

Quite astonishing: IranAir flying into a ramshackle airport like Manston. Or Europe as it seems to be banned. Certainly from the USA.

The US rates it as the terrorist airline of choice - an Iranian equivalent of what the Libyans did at Lockerbie or the recent Yemeni cargo bomb flights.

For Charles Buchanan formerly of City Airport in London to allow this and flights such as EgyptAir taking off from Cairo knowing Manston was closed or the banned Afghan flight is incredible.

But that's why he'll go to jail.

And airport safety has never been paramount at Manston.

Removing noise and air monitors and deliberatelty lying about it. Year after year.

And the CAA and Border Agency are as flimsy as the Environment Agency.

The drumbeat for strikes on Iranian nuclear sites grows louder: two scientists shot, a missile factory blown up etc etc.

With SAM missiles deployed for the 2012 Olympics in London - as with the Atlanta Olympics and Tokyo with the North Korea missile tests - the danger is all too evident.

And Sandys and Gale remain silent - only in January they were trying to develop the Manston Parkway stealth development of the airport being opposed/not-opposed to night flights. Mere Party hacks that'll raise their hand for any old nonsense.

Silence on Thor mercury.

Silence on the flood and clifftop defences - the new Margate defence is a nice set of steps but would have any storm wave crashing into the shops.

Silence on McGonigal maths and the corruption accounts.

Silence on Margate Town Council and TDSC bloat.

Silence on recall and referendum of 10% of the electoral turnout.

Silence on Ramsgate's missing £20M each year - where has that been spent?

Silence on full FOI of civil service costs.

Just KCC and TDC's stale old men and our civil servants crawling under a memo to avoid Police scrutiny.

And deliberately endangering the public.

Time for direct rule from Westminster.

Time for council tax strike and RTC account rather than TDC.

Time for Police inquiry and corporate manslaughter.

Time for Manston to close.

Time for Change.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Royal visit to Margate: right approach but wrong town and wrong time

A sudden Royal visit by the Queen to Margate after 20 years and 30 years before that.

Which is good. Although so sudden almost no-one has heard of it.

Clearly the problems in East Kent are substantial and a visit to the Turner is a good start after the collapse of the political system and civil service.

And with the Commonwealth being revitalised with new succession rules and membership on non-colonies, the monarchy is doing more than just being a useful tourism feature.

Especially with derelict Dreamland on view - and the oil tankers off the beaches failed by the Coastguard - and supposedly another year's delay for the CPO.

But it's the wrong town and the wrong time for the Queen.

Let's hope next year is Royal Ramsgate and its Royal Harbour in the 60 year Royal Jubilee.

Less positively the front page of Yahoo the world's most-read website and animal abuse in Ramsgate:

The video clip is clear and let's hope this marks the end of animal exports from Ramsgate too.

Time for Change.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Same old daft Bob and his cancer flights

Same old nonsense from Bayford and his cancer crew: another farcical consultation.

And deliberately ignoring the facts and dangers of night flights and Manston and Infratil and KCC and TDC’s actions.

Let’s forget the claims of jobs: they’re ludicrous. An airport the size of Stansted -a few minutes from Heathrow and Ostend.

Planning by clowns

Let’s forget the rationale for night flights: a few flights around the existing hours make no sense – except as the thin end of the wedge. Planestation and Infratil wanted all-night flights: about 30 or so.

Let’s forget that the airport is already bust: Infratil say so – and the only scheduled flights are 2 or 3 Flybe hops to Belfast from Belgium and 2 or 3 Cargolux flights from Luxembourg.

The airport is already bust.

But when are we going to talk about the air and noise monitors being removed? Samuel and White have been sacked but the councillors all knew about it. They were removed back in 2006.

When are we going to talk about the missing fines for pollution and overflights: I estimate at least £2M. That’s a lot of money for our councillors and civil servants to secretly ignore.

When will we talk about the cancer and the runway on the drinking water supply? That’s a serious health hazard again being deliberately ignored.

It’s a year since the last lynch-mob consultation and Latchford being sacked and Ezekiel demoted – why the silence on these issues from our councillors?

We seem to have 130,000 people endangered with noise and air pollution for the sake of a bust airport and deliberate misuse of funds And all the required safety procedures.

Why the silence from Gale and Sandys for over a year?

Where are the Environment Agency figures?

And the nonsense of Labour’s “election promise” of opposing night flights that are already banned – and have been in every consultation. And a £25k bung for ChinaGate expansion.

This isn’t any democratic control and scrutiny of a major polluter, this is just blatant fraud and secrecy on the rates.

When will the FOI publication of all council staffing and costs be produced?

Where are the Thor mercury and MOD Fire figures on pollution?

Questions for your councillors and civil servants:

1. When did you know the monitors were removed?
2. How much would be the fines?
3. Why weren’t they replaced for 5 years now?
4. What scrutiny of the airport has happened in the last 12 months ie air and noise monitoring and fines?
5. Why are overflights continuing even now?
6. How many banned overflights and flights will there be each week?
7. What are the pollution levels?
8. Who agreed to try and provide £10M of public funds with KCC and Infratil for a Manston Parkway as late as April this year?
9. What Fire Brigade cover is there after 5pm and at weekends?
10. When the airport closes - along with Pfizer this year and Dreamland still closed - what other actions for jobs have been undertaken by TDC and KCC?
11. What TDC reforms have been undertaken in the last 12 months – where are the FOI costs of staffing levels, salaries, pensions, expenses, benefits etc?
12. Will you support corporate manslaughter charges against Infratil and TDC and KCC for deliberately endangering the public?

There is no consultation on might flights.

It’s just our stale pensioners and shoddy MP’s blustering to cover over the traces.

Silence from Hayton and Harrison the Airport Committee Chairs.

Silence from Moores and Ezekiel on the 0% salary fraud.

Silence from McGonigal on the corruption maths of fake salaries, fines and tax havens and EKO.

Silence from Button and Berry and Sproates on TDC’s monitoring and missing fines.

Silence from Carter and Kerswell on Manston Parkway and monitors and fines.

Gale and Sandys are simply Party hacks who’ll say anything to be re-elected and prove simply irrelevant. Mere Party handraisers at best and Party bagmen at worst.

Silence from Gale on Thor and nonightlfights/nightflights election reversal.

Silence from Sandys on the Security Futures company - her collection of Party cronies and soon-to-be MP’s and Adam Werrity and the successor to Pargav and funders such as Davis, Lewis, Zabludowicz and G3 and donations to Atlantic Bridge. Looks like Party bagmen work for donations rather than a company to me.

What shoddy scum we have on the rates.

They scurry aound now changing their job titles, shtum payments and silence.

Jail for Carter.

Jail for Buchanan.

Extradite the Infratil Directors.

Corporate manslaughter charges and Police statements from our councillors and civil servants.

It’s your children and grand-children that will bear the cost in the future.

And the same old nonsense and Party drivel from Bayford – time for more capable people like Gideon and Worrow to step in and rid us of daft old Bob and publish the TDC FOI costs and Infratil flights and fines and pollution and call in the Police.

A failed council.

Nothing on Margate Town Council.

Nothing on repiared toilets.

Nothing on Viiv.

Nothing on another year without Dreamland.

Nothing on winfdarm electricity and solar power.

No votes in poisoning your own citizens.

No tax for poisoning your own citizens.

Just the same old fools riding the decline down.

It's your children and grandchildren that will bear the cost.

Leukaemia. Corruption. Tax waste. Missed jobs. Ever higher taxes and working hours.

Maybe it should be like this.

It's what you have now.

Time for Change.

Monday, 24 October 2011

UN Day today and Congo and Bhopal

And early next week is the announcement of the 7 Billionth person on the planet.

Probably in Dadaab refugee camp – poverty slums and ethnic war seems apt for the 21st century.

Here in Kent, not one public sector organisation supports the UN Millennium Development Goals – supposedly these should be adopted and adapted by each nation.

No UK lead on establishing the UN parliament to ensure global democracy.

Good news on:

• Richboro to be demolished
• Kent’s first solar park underway
• Dreamland Tesco likely to be stopped

Good news from the USA:

• 100 US troops deployed into Uganda last week to destroy the Lords Resistance Army – thousands of women raped, hands and feet cut off and thousands of people killed
• US universities adopting “conflict-free”policies to ensure suppliers of mobile phones and computers etc do not use “rare earths” from Congo etc.

Good news from UK:

• Dow Chemicals/Union Carbide responsible for Bhopal questioned over their sponsorship of 2012 Olympics
• Ivory Coast appoints new ambassador to UK

Silence in Kent on Thor, Infratil and Pegwell bay and Pfizer Viiv.

And Paul Carter re-elected in the usual show-election whenever there’s problems but the usual unanimous vote cut down to 54 votes to 19.

A lameduck leader for the next year for Party face: silence on FOI of all TDC and KCC costs some 6 years after the FOI law, silence on the 0% fraud and Pleasurama-Bungarama tax haven and silence from the real KCC Cabinet of Murphy, Jacobs, Costain, Balfour, Beatty, Carillion and Serco for EKO and Road to Nowhere.

And 7 oil tankers and cargo ships off Margate and the Coastguard office.

Stale old men with nothing to say and nothing to do simply soaking up public time and costs with their lies and secrecy and fraud.

No tax for poisoning your citizens.

No votes for poisoning your citizens.

What were they thinking? A Winceyette Waffen SS of the Weald with Thanet as some kind of untermensch?

Bungs for the construction industry?

The Civil service unions running things on the rates without FOI?

Just plain numptyism?

Jail for Buchanan.

Jail for Carter.

Council tax strike and direct rule from Westminster.

Time for Change

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Manston cancer questions

Questions to ask Charles Buchanan and Bob Bayford at KIACC - these meetings are fairly random aren't they - given the KCC leadership battle for Carter:

@ presumably night flights, and Manston Parkway are no-go now for public funds

@ with monitors removed in 2006 when did you know

@ why were they not replaced - they only cost a few thousand pounds and Infratil Group makes a profit

@ independent monitoring shows emission levels 4x EU safety levels for at least a year - why were Sandys and Bayford supporting a Parkway and Carter helping Buchanan seek £10m of public funds

@ has the shortfall in fines c.£2M been rebilled to Infratil - why not

@ overflights are banned so why are they regular and unfined so far

@ Pegwell is a SSSI site so why are Infratil dumping aviation fuel?

@ should the airport be on the water supply - what is the delay in closing it

The last night flight public meeting was a year ago in November - why the delay since then?

Why the ludicrous manifesto pledges in May of banning night flights when they're already banned?

All that's left of Manston now is our pensioner councillors and civil servants trying to cover over the mess and deny responsibility for the cancer levels.

Removing monitors at an an airport slated for expansion - and by councils and larger aviation corporations is a criminal offence.

Time For Change

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Manston and mystery monitoring

So that's the monitors removed by Infratil and TDC.

But they're claiming they are monitoring.

And this has been going on since 2006 when the monitiors were removed?

And no fines collected - as yet. At least £2M.

And counting - another flight at past midnight last night.

And TDC and KCC and the EA bumbling around what's happening to the pollution and water supply.

What twits.

Criminal twits.

No votes in poisoning your citizens.

No tax for poisoning your citizens.

No tax-jobs for poisoning your citizens.

No citizens.

Time for Change.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Golly Gosh it's Manston Noise Monitoring

A golly-gosh-well-I-never moment as the P.2 Gazette article this Friday on Manston monitoring:

(article link)

Confirms that monitoring is “done by Infratil and provided to TDC”.

Cllr Green expresses surprise at this as do the other councillors.

As you would given the opportunity to fake the data or simply not provide it.

And hardly news given the repeated Airport Committee meetings and KIACC public meetings – supposedly about TDC and Infratil noise and air pollution monitoring for the last 5 years. What were they pretending to do?

Except of course they didn’t want to reveal that until now.

Far better to pretend that monitoring is being done properly. And when that’s found out sack Samuel and White and Latchford of the Gang of Four with payoffs to keep quiet.

The same article also has Charles Buchanan confirm Infratil are monitoring.

Both this, and how TDC are monitoring, is a surprise of course.

As the noise monitors were removed in 2006 and returned to Manchester University monitoring centre by Rowland Gun of Infratil.

From Clarendon School and a tower block.

So there are no noise monitors.

Certainly not by TDC and nor buy Infratil.

So why the pretence?

And in 2009 and the last attempt to expand the airport without controls the main air monitor – with repeated technical problems – was also going to be withdrawn by the Gang of Four and Berry.

Monitoring is required under the S106 operating agreement at the airport.

As you’d expect.

And fines for noisy planes etc as you’d expect.

No monitors. No fines.

The same article confirmed only £4,000 in fines over the last 2 years ie 4 planes fined in 2 years.

More concerning of course is that Manston was an airport slated for expansion – regular TDC meetings and KCC Board meetings – but no monito5rds means no fines.

And no pesky complaints process or evaluation of the health and environment risks.

And of course.

Increased cancer rates.

That makes it not a golly-gosh-well-I-never moment but corporate manslaughter: deliberately endangering the public – and in breach of all the regulations in place to protect the public.

Hence Thanet’s appalling mortality rates, noise form planes, overflights of the towns etc etc.

Corporate manslaughter.

And they’ve been found out now.

Not ideal for Charles Buchanan an experienced aviation director form City Airport in London – he can hardly claim to have not known of the problems. Although I’m sure he’ll try.

Same for Infratil’s Directors: Steve Fitzgerald, Matt Clarke and Lloyd Morrison and the NZ Board – although they’ll no doubt try.

Nor KCC and Paul Carter.

Nor TDC’s councillors.

Nor TDC’s civil servants.

Given KCC have walked away from Manston and the Manston Parkway all that’s left is the farce of TDC pretending that they knew nothing about the goings-on at the airport for years.

It’s another 12 months since the last farcical consultation on night flights and the like.

Silence on Pegwell Bay and aviation fuel from the airport.

And silence from the Environment Agency and Southern water on the merits of a runway on top of the aquifer.

And TDC bumble along.

The farce of election promises either for another night flights consultation or banning night flights after 11pm – as they already are.

And certainly not enforced given last week’s midnight and 3am landings.

Hayton and Harrison of the Airport Committee for the last 5 years.

Button and Berry and Sproates on monitoring for the last 5 years.

McGonigal on fines for the last 5 years – my guesstimate would be c.£2M in missing fines. Certainly far more than the TDC salaries involved.

But no monitoring done.

No fines.

And fake consultations, schtum payoffs, porkie-pies and soon the blame-game.

And silence from Gale and Sandys.

Where are they? What do they think? What have they thought for the last 5 years?

And silence on Thor mercury as to why that was banned in 19889 but still operating and polluting.

What shoddy scum and scoundrels we have elected and paid from the rates.

And so foolish they'd even endanger their own families and frienss - even themselves.

And continue to do so even now.

Direct rule from Westminster, P45’s, repaying of schtum-money, recharging back to Party head office and council tax strikes are relevant – with Police investigation and jail sentences.

No tax-jobs for poisoning your own citizens.

No votes for poisoning your own citizens.

And what if there’s a plane crash now?

Time for Change.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

ITV documentary on air pollution

A shocking documentary on ITV last night on air pollution in Czech Republic:

it claims to be the most polluted factory in Europe as a steelworks with 4 times EU emission levels and 6 times the World helath organisation levels on various toxins.

Still we silence on Infratil and Thor - the latter supposedly banned and closed in 1989 and the technology shipped to Cato Ridge in South Africa.

All we have now is cover-up and denial by our politicians and civil servants to protect their own jobs.

All the activities at Manston and Thor are already banned and still they continue.

When will Andrew Pearce and the Environment Agency publish the figures and cleanup details?

When will McGonigal speak up?

When will Carter speak up?

When will Gale speak up?

When will Sandys speak up?

Mere denial and schtum payments for a few resignations.

What bizarre secrecy in the Kent of the 21st century.

As Mayor I will push not for P45's but jail sentences for corporate manslaughter for Infratil, KCC and TDC.

Deliberate and repeated and major breaches of safety.


Time for Change.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Cambodian royalty and Surin

Terrific news that HRH Princess Norodom of Cambodia will be hosting a live interview with Surin restaurant before Xmas.

Princess Norodom hosts an English language radio show - the first in Cambodia - on improving the country and Khmer people.

She is very interested in the restaurant and Surin Charity and is planning to visit Britain next year.

Princess Norodom left during the Khmer civil war and live in the USA for many years but has returned and is keen to help develop the country.

An amazing lady as she was a Hollywood and TV star and is writing a book of her experiences.

I really need to have a Kent school involved in the charity for a Cambodian school - Ellington have done wonderful work in Thailand.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Concrete Kent and the vote

The new Planning changes really do seem an appalling free-for-all to pour concrete. A spectacular backwards-step in regulating development which Britain can rightly be proui do and all the more appalling in the Age of Climate Change.

Very interesting to see that women will have the right to vote in Saudi Arabia at long last - only Brunei in Asia now denies the vote - although they are are democratic in that none of the 300k population - neither men nor women - can vote(!)

And as so often Britain supports such dictatorships - as we did in Hong Kong with an unelected council for decades even before it reverted to China.

And Britain has long supported - often with arms sales - undemocratic regimes in Arabia - most voting rights have only been given in the last few years.

In Kent it's about time we reduced the voting age to 16 in an ever-older world the younger generations voice will be drowned out.

More positively, here's a really interesting charity run by a friend to help children in China with education and preventing slums as they move to the cities:

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Air pollution, Carter out and death penalty

Another of the bizarre egg on face but facesaving attempts by our councillors and civil servants around Manston.

Not just the silly debate on not allowing night flights even though that’s exactly what has been forbidden under the S106 airport operating rules.

Feeble whitewash to cover up the lack of enforcement. And hoping schtum payoffs for Samuel and White will cover over the traces.

And now an air quality debate and consultation – that doesn’t even manage to mention the words “airport” or “cancer” in the dozens of pages of bumf.

More public time wasted and not even a free gas mask.

It seems to be suggesting having air monitoring across the whole of Thanet - again presumably that’s supposed to happen anyway – but seems again to be referring to removing monitors from the actual hotspots of pollution.

Presumably so the figures could be averaged out over the whole of Thanet and hey presto no pollution at all.

Or just the usual pretence that the 3 towns are one Thanetville sprawl area rather than 3 separate towns.

Very concerning given St Lawrence High St under the airport flight path has over 4 times the EU safe levels of emissions.

And only silence and cover-up from our councilors, TDC and Environment Agency.

No P45’s as yet for the civil servants who are supposed to be in charge of monitoring and no recall on the lavish silence payoffs to Samuel and White.

As you’d expect I suppose for a bottom 10% council.

But the public will be paying the price.

Despite last year’s November night flight consultation and collapse, even in February Bayford and Sandys were recommending a Manston parkway to KCC.

And even in April Carter and Buchanan were off to Whitehall for £10M of public funds to prop up the airport.

An airport that even Infratil confirms is bust and night flights would be unlikely to turn that around.

And every day overflights illegally flying low over Ramsgate – rather than the specified rural end of the airport.

And no fines for noise or air pollution – the very things we’re now supposed to be consulted on.

And nothing on the cancer effect on you and your children and grandchildren.

The reality is our councilors are fools – simply bumbling along from one disaster to another wit their only legitimacy a spurious approval from their local Party.

Carter at KCC now faces calls to resign after Manston and Thor and cementing of Kent – Nick Chard will be a better Leader.

Bayford and Sandys are a mere irrelevance – it’s time to remove them; Cllr Jo Gideon seems more capable as a local Party Leader with John Worrow as Deputy and a remit to purge the party ranks and overhaul TDC.

And Jack Cohen makes a good leader of the Independent group.

Why is Ezekiel of the Gang of Four still clinging on? And why no moves to sack the bloated and incompetent ranks at TDC – after 5 months we seem to have not had a peep out of McGonigal other than signing off the tainted accounts.

Why do our councilors stand again and again - they’ve failed at every opportunity. Simply padding out the council ranks with double and triple hatters to silence meaningful debate and remaining silent on FOI costs of the civil service.

And why bother funding County councilors for £13k or so if their allowance to actually use is only £25k – a nett of £12k when KCC spends £2.3Bn is a ludicrous.

As with Chinagate and the Labour £25k bung simply selling off public land on the cheap to prop up political and civil service vanity projects seems the TDC way.

Even now poisoning their own citizens and covering it up.

Sandys – like Gale - is a mere Party hack parachuted into a seat for hand-raising in Parliament. 30 years of failure for Gale and now over 12 months of Sandys with nothing but empty statements and ribbon-cutting.

What are their policies?

Re-invoicing the costs of failure to Party Head Office and recall for incompetence would be a start, with a council tax strike and direct rule from Westminster.

If these fools are legitimised by Party Head Office then the party should fund their failure no doubt with more tarmac deals.

For too long effective governance has been confused with mere Party politicking.

Time for Change.


A quick note on the death penalty: Troy Davis in Georgia due to be executed, despite numerous witnesses recanting their testimony and someone else confessing to the crime.

It seems typical intransigence and incompetence from the judicial system to risk someone’s life over such shallow claims.

A link:

Also Margate man Joshua French still in Death Row in the Congo: forgotten by our councillors, MP’s and dozens of public sector lawyers and the Foreign Office:

And a link to moves to ban death penalty lethal injection drugs for export from the UK:

Outside of China, Iran and USA barely two dozen people are executed each year. And the death penalty is banned or nit used in most countries in the world now.

I’m told of an attempted armed robbery in the Co-op on Grange Rd on Monday – surely these kinds of incidents are reviewed by councilors and MP’s? Have a guess.
Animal exports from Ramsgate – and presumably Dover: here’s link to stop this disgusting trade:
As Mayor I will instruct Police and RSPCA inspections of the trucks, no shipments at night, and rest periods for any shipments believed to be more than 8 hours and confiscation of any sick animals.

How disgusting and pointless shipping animals around Britain and Europe for a few quid.

Time for Change

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Is Kent arming the world?

We need to ask questions about Kent’s role in the arms trade.

Coming hard on the heels of KCC’s tobacco involvement, news that it is reconsidering its funding of BAE armaments is timely this week.

The opening of the DSEi bi-annual arms fair at London’s Excel trade centre hosts not just BAE but 180 other arms companies. And at least 14 authoritarian regimes such as Iraq, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in the hunt for, not just missiles and tanks, but UK crowd control equipment such as handcuffs, rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon.

The kind of equipment now being used on the public in Syria and Bahrain and Yemen for the freedoms we enjoy. Invariably the fall of a dictator reveals the torture chambers stuffed full of UK equipment – even the Libyan arms dump at Al-Ajaylat this week reveals tons of napalm, cluster bombs and even mustard gas – as used by Saddam on Halabja in the Iran War.

Sarah Waldron of CAAT said: “ The UK Government continues to spend taxpayers' money promoting arms sales to repressive regimes. DSEi is more than just an embarrassment -it is an outrage.”

In Kent, public funds are used not just for investments in the dictator’s tool box, but with Infratil and the arms trade through Ostend. Both Manston and Ostend are notorious gun-running hubs into Africa and the Middle East - only recently supplanted by the ghost airstrips of TransDniestra, Moldova and Romania - for arms shipments to hotspots such as Liberia, Congo, Sudan and Somalia.

Kent’s flight-logs include aircraft banned from the whole of Europe, such as Silverback Freighters and UN-sanction busters for guns and blood diamonds such as DAS Air, MK airlines, Afghan’s KAM Air, Russian Ilyushin freighters and even this week , just days after the 9-11 anniversary, Iran Air.

Who needs nuclear ICBM’s when you can fly a banned 747 across Europe and land near Canary Wharf?

And even bushmeat and Nigerian cocaine have been impounded at Manston by Kent Police. Undoubtedly the conflict zones trade in rare earths for your TV, mobile or computer will prove as enticing for smugglers and difficult for brands. With issues over supply chains whether it’s the sweatshops of Primark and Nike or Foxconn or just an ever more demanding consumer, and immediacy of the Facebook Generation, the landscape has changed for corporations.

Hugo Williamson of R2G Risk Resolution Group said: “UK companies and their agents and distributors across Africa and Asia need to take sound advice on the implications of the new Bribery Act, trade and Corporate Manslaughter legislation.”

Perhaps there’s an opportunity for Kent Police to be even more progressive in securing weapons procurement with the MOD and Port x-ray equipment for the kinds of semtex formerly provided by Libya to the IRA that would spoil a day out at Bluewater or Canterbury cathedral, rather than the bomb hoaxes of recent weeks.

Kent’s toxic legacy with the conflict zones of Africa – such as Thor mercury in Margate and Cato Ridge pales into insignificance given the role Kent companies such as MAG can play in demining say Libya – not just the present conflict but as far back as WW2 – or the EU-HALO programmes in Cambodia and Sri Lanka.

While a recent conference on the Ivory Coast highlighted not just a lack of a UK ambassador, as the country emerges from civil war centred on the blood diamond fields, but over 70% of food imported as rice aid from USA. An opportunity there perhaps with Kent’s sister-state Virginia for greater use of twinning associations and school exchanges.

As with the failed coup in Honduras, the Arab Spring heralds an opportunity for greater democracy with a UN Parliament and the UN Millennium goals – still with no UK public sector sponsorship- and global legislation against coups and military dictatorships. Again all the more suitable given this week’s 50th anniversary of the UN’s Dag Hammerskold in securing peace in Africa.

Kent’s vibrant Third Sector of charities and shops – and the battered High St in general - or progressive ethical funds such as the Co-op provide a clearer focus for Kent investments rather than bombs.

The threat of cluster munitions in Libya - and banned this week even by Afghanistan - still pose a deadly harvest across Laos and Cambodia from the Vietnam War. A munition as repulsive as napalm – only designed to pop off a foot or hand and to soak up medical aid, and brightly coloured for children to play with.

Elizabeth Barrett of Oxfam said: “Supporting charities such as Oxfam and handicap International helps our work in overcoming the suffering caused by cluster munitions.”

With UK arms exports at £9Bn – nearly 20% more than Third World aid – arms companies are essentially State tax-funded organisations. While UKTI spends nearly all its time on the arms trade – for less than 2% of UK arms exports.

Perhaps it is time for Kent to lead the way in ethical policies – not just opening arms factories for scrutiny and barcoding, arms shipments only by the military and greater scrutiny of tax investments, but wider policies such as Total petrol, currently facing EU sanctions in Burma.

Or divesting KCC’s other oil investments given the Chinese oil and gas and rail works across Burma into Southern China with razed villages, forced labour, slavery and civil war essentially funded on the rates.

Let’s hope removing Kent’s tobacco, arms and oil investments marks a sea-change in a more progressive Brand Kent for the 21st century.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Pfizer and Viiv and housebuilding

I've had some details from the Dept of Business on the Enterpise Zone at Pfizer.

I'll post the details a little later as they are better than I thought not just minor tax breaks.

Viiv is being considered to expand Pfizer, Glaxo and Viiv jobs.

Surprise was expressed at why 500 new homes were annopunced for the site. It wasn't the Dept's understanding and any application would need to be considered by Pfizer and Dover Council and presumably central Government.

The Daily Telegraph have raised interesitng points on sustainable development - the most important being that the most sustainable development is not to build at all but there were other points:

* 750,000 empty houses in UK
* new planning legisaltion drafted by the construction industry
* enough "land bank" already for 300,000 new homes
* VAT tax break for new build but not refurb
* £3M donated by housebuilders to the Conservative Party

There is just no rationale for new- build. I think that wwe actually need not just to adjust the VAT discrepancy but include a "Climate Change Levy" to price land for its Climate Change value not just housebuilding or food.

In Kent land values and building as we've seen are driven only by the KCC Cabinet of Murphy, Jacobs, Costain, Balfour, Beatty and the like, and civil service glory projects.

Add in monopoly supermarkets like Tesco and the imperative is always to pour tarmac.

And nibbling at greenbelt or not cleaning brownfield sites ius just a way to make it more profitable.

The Pfizer Enterprise Zone is better than I thought and I'll add the details once I've gone through them but 500 homes is a nonsense.

And Manston on the water supply, the MOD Fire base and Thor is an Environment Agency and KCC crime.

Friday, 9 September 2011

9-11 Ten: Manston a Kent failure

This Sunday marks 10 years after 9-11 but have we learnt nothing? Manston airport remains perhaps Europe’s most dangerous airport.

Noise and air monitors removed by Infratil and TDC. Banned EU airplanes regularly flying in and out transgressing all the safety zones.

Gunrunning and blood diamond flights from the Congo, Sudan and Sierra Leone spiced with cocaine from Nigeria.

And even banned Islamic airlines such as Afghanistan’s KAL Air or EqyptAir setting off from Cairo to land at Manston at 3am – when the airport is closed.

And the CAA and Kent Police wring their hands while KCC fund Infratil with tax-funds and the Environment Agency looks the other way on pollution. For months and years.

And all barely 10 minutes fly-time from Canary Wharf and requiring little more than half a dozen Lear jets for a spectacular opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympics.

Yet the world has changed since 2001. Over 35,000 terrorists arrested worldwide - largely in Turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan. While the threat of a global Jihad and Caliphate has collapsed.

The Arab Spring has shown that Arabia wants to be more like the West in terms of democracy and free and prosperous societies. And are certainly keen to remove repulsive dictators such as Gadaffi and Mubarak – assisted by Britain for torture, rendition and arms sales.

While even the Iranian Ayatollahs and repressive regimes of Syrian and Yemen can no longer count on State control even through the barrel of a gun.

And the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have highlighted how to win the war but lose the peace and carry on wading knee-deep in blood – surely time for DFID to instigate a Ministry of Reconstruction to swing into action after the first 6 months of any conflict or R2P action?

How can it possibly be justified to fire million pound cruise missiles into breezeblock shacks – a million pounds would buy an awful lot of hospitals and vaccines or work by Kent’s MAG or Smile Train. Or for the EU to export arms sales to conflict regions.

But the ramifications of the 9-11 decade persist even in Kent: safety barriers at Canterbury Cathedral, extra Police patrols at Dover, German Islamic terror suspects arrested and extra X-ray style equipment for nuclear and chemical devices.

While, the Calais Jungle and human trafficking through Dover resounds with the voices of desperate refugees from failed nations such as Somali, Afghanistan, Congo and Liberia. The 21st century challenges are not Islamic terrorism but dictatorships and failed nations.

The Arab Spring should be heeded also in Kent for its role in bringing youth out onto the streets in search of meaning and work - when Kent faces its highest-ever NEET and graduate unemployment. And a shocking 10 out of 12 Kent Districts failing to meet the government’s own economic and social targets. And diversity challenges only just touched on by Kent Police and NHS.

While Kent’s ever-expanding tax-take and growing public sector on a smaller wealth-generating sector is a recipe for disaster. Failing to extend the electoral franchise to 16 year olds in ever-higher life-spans only encourages at worst a tyranny of pensioners. All laced with the failure of Party politics representing only 1% of the populace and only 30% electoral turnouts. A perfect picture for a turnip Taliban if you will.

A reform of twinning associations from suburban cocktail parties in Lille to their original purpose of encouraging peace in war-torn Europe would work equally well with the Congo and Somalia or Cold War fragments of TransDniestra, Belarus or Kurdish diasporas.

Rather the 10 years since 9-11 has shown a sudden upsurge in democracy: ailing dictator such as Castro and Mugabe will soon be gone, the Burmese generals have begun to don suits rather than uniforms and North Korea is increasingly alone as China begins to democratise.

Aside from the sabre-rattling of the Korean peninsula the last Cold War fragments are the divides of Cyprus and Guantanamo lease and stale one-party crony-communism of Laos and Vietnam.

And democracy faces its last challenge only in Saudi Arabia and the tiny Asian state of Brunei where the vote for women is still banned.

Islamic fundamentalism is still important: the Thai-Malaya border, the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia and caves of Pakistan but now increasingly driven by State failure and crushing poverty.

Incredibly with only 3 years to go, none of the UN Millennium Goals are enshrined in Kent’s public sector – or anywhere in the UK.

And cancer and leukaemia from asbestos in Kent, Thor mercury hushed up by the Environment Agency akin to the same eco-scandal in Cato Ridge or dodgy tax haven construction projects such as Pleasurama and the Cayman Islands, seem more akin to the Third World than South East England.

If Islamic extremism has flickered brightly, the next 10 years without ethical policies are likely to see the same problems of dictatorship and poverty continuing the problem. And only ever highlighted when pilots learn to takeoff but not land. Because the bomber always gets through.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

KCC tobacco, IMF and seabass

An article published in the Independent yesterday on KCC and Big Tobacco - you need to scroll down the letters:

Also a letter published a monht or so ago in the Independent on reforming the IMF:

And an article on Surin restaurant and Laos cuisine and recipes (try the sea bass!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Police and Manston for Bolivian marching powder

Yet another Sunday unmarked 747 with illegal overflights into Manston at 10am yesterday. How can unmarked 747's still be flying into Manston?

> Speaking from Maidstone Kent Chief Constable Ian Learmonth
> announced Operation C.O.C.A.I.N.E.

> He said: "We've noticed that we are lacking capacity in
> acronyms so we have stepped up activity by combining the
> operation name with an acronym. As soon as my pension is signed
> off we will be investigating Manston for Bolivian marching
> powder."

> Operation C.O.C.A.I.N.E. will target drug smuggling around
> Manston and following on from the success of S.K.I.E.S. in
> targeting Al Qaida in light aircraft 10 years after 9/11 the
> acronym is easy to remember:


> A new road and housebuilding programme to allow police car
> patrols and a business park is also due to be annopunced by
> the KCC Cabinet of Murphy, Jacobs, Balfour, Beattie,
> Costain, Carillion and Serco (MJBBCC).

> Infratil and TDC refused to comment although Infratil's
> Directors were checking the validity of an EU arrest warrant
> for corporate manslaughter.

Dear oh dear. They might as well come out wuith this nonsense mightn't they?

Extraordinary isn't it.

And silence from our councillors.

In fact the opposite.

Carter and Buchanan off to Whitehall for £10M of funding for the Manston Parkway thingy.

Sandys and Bayford even in January after the night flight farce agreeing the Parkway thingummy was a good idea.

Silence from the Police.

Nothing on the dangers to the public.

Silence from the Environment Agency on Manston.

Silence on Thor.

Time for jail.

Jail Carter. Jail Buchanan.

No votes in poisoning your own citizens.

No tax breaks for corporate manslaughter.

No tax-wages for cancer on the rates.

Ask Andrew Pearce at the Environment Agency on Thor:

Only silence.

Silence on asbestos in schools.

Silence on KCC tobacco investments (£24M!)

They couldn't invest £24M Kent tax-funds in Kent companies? Something a little less harmful to the public?

Time for Change.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Another wasted year for Thanet

You do wonder at the incompetence of our MP’s, councillors and civil servants – and the public simply allowing them to continue.

The Summer nearly over. Seaweed on the beaches. Xmas lights that are faulty. £100k salaries for Town Clerks to spend £20k. Festivals cancelled at the last minute.

Silence on Thor and Manston overflights.

And with the missing Manston fines will McGonigle be signing off the TDC accounts with he 0% salary fraud. Maybe that's the way it's done with public sector accounting.

A handy lesson for all Thanet's youngsters in public sector and political fraud and whitewash.

More cancer overflights at Manston, and the ludicrous farce of debating the operating restrictions that already exist - and the silly pretence that they’ve been ignored.

I thought I’d write something a bit different.

An airport on the drinking water supply.

An illegal overflight at 21:45 and take-off at 23:33 with the airport closed - how do Infratil get away with it under Kent Police's nose?

Another summer gone and fewer tourists than ever.

The Turner Centre with made-up visitor numbers for another disastrous glory project after 15 years and £50M.

Even in January after the Night flight consultation debacle, Bayford and Sandys signing off on Carter and Infratil’s Manston parkway nonsense and £10M tax-plans.


Same old ho-hum.

Clearly the pensioner councillors have failed us.

Now simply trying to cover-up for each other and KCC/TDC and Infratil or the same small-town bickering

The Party system and political system has failed us.

Parachuted rosettes and Party brown-nosing.

The Civil Service has failed us.

What have 750 TDC staff and 15,000 KCC staff been doing?


Absolutely nothing exists for the foreseeable future on lifting Thanet out of being a bottom 10% council and bottom 10% area.


£60M tax-funds at TDC and £2.3Bn tax-funds at KCC each year simply to bumble along.


I thought I’d ignore the farce that passes for Kent governance I thought I’d write about my top 12 wish list for Sincerity clients in Kent.

People I’d like to work with.

To do things. To improve things.

Here they are.

If anyone is a Board Director, other budget-holder/decision-maker or working in marketing in these companies, or knows someone, then please drop me a line for a meeting in Ramsgate, Canterbury or London at:

1. Kent Police: diversity/ethic stuff; drugs/health campaigns
2. NHS: Kent or London - similar sorts of things as 1; I’ve an arthritis idea
3. Givaudin: perfumes and flavourings
4. Pfizer/Viiv: pipeline drugs and UNMDG
5. Denne: CSR
6. Brett: recycling
7. Canterbury cathedral: tourism
8. A bank or building society: direct mail/digital; business growth
9. MAG landmines: Asia
10. A car dealership, minimum 12 branches: electric cars/direct mail
11. Education: school/college/university/language school: recruitment
12. British Legion/RNLI/Smile train charities: anything interesting: for free

As well I’m interested in marketing lecturing at CCU or KBS/Kent University and GAU, or LSE, I’ve done various things over the years that went well but it is like juggling treacle trying to have anything more specific.


I’ve been trying for 2 years to take on the Pavillion to only silence from Mayor Green. No wonder the place is derelict. If anyone knows anyone or interested in a partnership let me know.

And my daughter is interested in setting up her fashion emporium (Japanese fashion of all things) in an empty property – again it’s like juggling treacle.

Derelict towns. Lack of jobs. Empty properties.

Silence on the Van Gogh museum.

Silence on the closed museums.

Silence on the Motor Museum theatre.

Silence on Rover Film Studio.

What do the pensioner-councillors care? A few more years and the grave beckons. What do the civil sevants care? Tax is usually paid except with council tax strikes. Shunt the paperwork around, pass the buck and blame.

Maybe sitting in the rubble is acceptable.

It must be.

Two other bits: a couple of friends ar elooking for work:

• Eugene: a rather excellent builder, can do almost anything and looking for evening/weekend work
• Jan: a superb plasterer, tiler, decorator – an incredible portfolio of work: looking for full-time work

Drop me an email and I’ll send you their details.

And. My servers/blog keep crashing – anyone know an IT whizz to hack into them and fix them?


* Surin Charity; looking for Kent schools to partner with Bolivia, Nicaragua and at the moment: Cameroon and Ivory Coast for twinning programmes, build a school etc. Ideally setting up an office in Canterbury and/or Ramsgate and creating jobs, volunteers etc.

There. That’s a start.

Bit bored really.

If anyone can help please let me know:

One other point: very close to working with Standard Chartered Bank in London but slipping sideways – again if anyone knows anyone.

And all too obvious why Kent and its towns have simply stagnated and slipped into cancer and dereliction.

Never mind.

Only a year to the next election. Not too much more cancer and decay.

Time for Change

Monday, 15 August 2011

Younger Thanet. Greener Thanet. Ground Zero Kent.

You do wonder at the incompetence of our MP’s, councillors and civil servants – and the public simply allowing them to continue.

More cancer overflights at Manston, and the ludicrous farce of debating the operating restrictions that already exist - and the silly pretence that they’ve been ignored.

I thought I’d write something a bit different.

An airport on the drinking water supply.

An illegal overflight at 21:45 and take-off at 23:33 with the airport closed - how do Infratil get away with it under Kent Police's nose?

Another summer gone and fewer tourists than ever.

The Turner Centre with made-up visitor numbers for another disastrous glory project after 15 years and £50M.

Even in January after the Night flight consultation debacle, Bayford and Sandys signing off on Carter and Infratil’s Manston parkway nonsense and £10M tax-plans.


Same old ho-hum.

Clearly the pensioner councillors have failed us.

Now simply trying to cover-up for each other and KCC/TDC and Infratil or the same small-town bickering

The Party system and political system has failed us.

Parachuted rosettes and Party brown-nosing.

The Civil Service has failed us.

What have 750 TDC staff and 15,000 KCC staff been doing?


Absolutely nothing exists for the foreseeable future on lifting Thanet out of being a bottom 10% council and bottom 10% area.


£60M tax-funds at TDC and £2.3Bn tax-funds at KCC each year simply to bumble along.


I thought I’d ignore the farce that passes for Kent governance I thought I’d write about my top 12 wish list for Sincerity clients in Kent.

People I’d like to work with.

To do things. To improve things.

Here they are.

If anyone is a Board Director, other budget-holder/decision-maker or working in marketing in these companies, or knows someone, then please drop me a line for a meeting in Ramsgate, Canterbury or London at:

1. Kent Police: diversity/ethic stuff; drugs/health campaigns
2. NHS: Kent or London - similar sorts of things as 1; I’ve an arthritis idea
3. Givaudin: perfumes and flavourings
4. Pfizer/Viiv: pipeline drugs and UNMDG
5. Denne: CSR
6. Brett: recycling
7. Canterbury cathedral: tourism
8. A bank or building society: direct mail/digital; business growth
9. MAG landmines: Asia
10. A car dealership, minimum 12 branches: electric cars/direct mail
11. Education: school/college/university/language school: recruitment
12. British Legion/RNLI/Smile train charities: anything interesting: for free

As well I’m interested in marketing lecturing at CCU or KBS/Kent University and GAU, or LSE, I’ve done various things over the years that went well but it is like juggling treacle trying to have anything more specific.


I’ve been trying for 2 years to take on the Pavillion to only silence from Mayor Green. No wonder the place is derelict. If anyone knows anyone or interested in a partnership let me know.

And my daughter is interested in setting up her fashion emporium (Japanese fashion of all things) in an empty property – again it’s like juggling treacle.

Derelict towns. Lack of jobs. Empty properties.

What do the pensioner-councillors care? A few more years and the grave beckons. What do the civil sevants care? Tax is usually paid except with council tax strikes. Shunt the paperwork around, pass the buck and blame.

Maybe sitting in the rubble is acceptable.

It must be.

Two other bits: a couple of friends ar elooking for work:

• Eugene: a rather excellent builder, can do almost anything and looking for evening/weekend work
• Jan: a superb plasterer, tiler, decorator – an incredible portfolio of work: looking for full-time work

Drop me an email and I’ll send you their details.

And. My servers/blog keep crashing – anyone know an IT whizz to hack into them and fix them?


* Surin Charity; looking for Kent schools to partner with Bolivia, Nicaragua and at the moment: Cameroon and Ivory Coast for twinning programmes, build a school etc. Ideally setting up an office in Canterbury and/or Ramsgate and creating jobs, volunteers etc.

There. That’s a start.

Bit bored really.

If anyone can help please let me know:

One other point: very close to working with Standard Chartered Bank in London but slipping sideways – again if anyone knows anyone.

And all too obvious why Kent and its towns have simply stagnated and slipped into cancer and dereliction.

Never mind. Only a year to the next election. Not too much more cancer.

Time for Change

Friday, 12 August 2011

Younger Thanet. Greener Thanet. Ground Zero Kent.

I thought I’d write something a bit different.

You do reach a point where you just wonder at the incompetence of our MP’s, councillors and civil servants – and the public simply allowing them to continue.

More cancer overflights at Manston, and the ludicrous farce of debating the operating restrictions that already exist - and the silly pretence that they’ve been ignored.

An airport on the drinking water supply.

Another summer gone and fewer tourists than ever.

The Turner Centre with made-up visitor numbers for another disastrous glory project after 15 years and £50M.

Even in January after the Night flight consultation debacle, Bayford and Sandys signing off on Carter and Infratil’s Manston parkway nonsense and £10M tax-plans.


Same old ho-hum.

Clearly the pensioner councillors have failed us.

Now simply trying to cover-up for each other and KCC/TDC and Infratil or the same small-town bickering

The Party system and political system has failed us.

Parachuted rosettes and Party brown-nosing.

The Civil Service has failed us.

What have 750 TDC staff and 15,000 KCC staff been doing?


Absolutely nothing exists for the foreseeable future on lifting Thanet out of being a bottom 10% council and bottom 10% area.


£60M tax-funds at TDC and £2.3Bn tax-funds at KCC each year simply to bumble along.


I thought I’d ignore the farce that passes for Kent governance I thought I’d write about my top 12 wish list for Sincerity clients in Kent.

People I’d like to work with.

To do things. To improve things.

Here they are.

If anyone is a Board Director, other budget-holder/decision-maker or working in marketing in these companies, or knows someone, then please drop me a line for a meeting in Ramsgate, Canterbury or London at:

1. Kent Police: diversity/ethic stuff; drugs/health campaigns
2. NHS: Kent or London - similar sorts of things as 1; I’ve an arthritis idea
3. Givaudin: perfumes and flavourings
4. Pfizer/Viiv: pipeline drugs and UNMDG
5. Denne: CSR
6. Brett: recycling
7. Canterbury cathedral: tourism
8. A bank or building society: direct mail/digital; business growth
9. MAG landmines: Asia
10. A car dealership, minimum 12 branches: electric cars/direct mail
11. Education: school/college/university/language school: recruitment
12. British Legion/RNLI/Smile train charities: anything interesting: for free

As well I’m interested in marketing lecturing at CCU or KBS/Kent University and GAU I’ve done various things over the years that went well but it is like juggling treacle trying to have anything more specific.


I’ve been trying for 2 years to take on the Pavillion to only silence from Mayor Green. No wonder the place is derelict. If anyone knows anyone or interested in a partnership let me know.

And my daughter is interested in setting up her fashion emporium (Japanese fashion of all things) in an empty property – again it’s like juggling treacle.

Two other bits: a couple of friends ar elooking for work:

• Eugene: a rather excellent builder, can do almost anything and looking for evening/weekend work
• Jan: a superb plasterer, tiler, decorator – an incredible portfolio of work: looking for full-time work

Drop me an email and I’ll send you their details.

And. My servers/blog keep crashing – anyone know an IT whizz to hack into them and fix them?


* Surin Charity; looking for Kent schools to partner with Bolivia, Nicaragua and at the moment: Cameroon and Ivory Coast for twinning programmes, build a school etc. Ideally setting up an office in Canterbury and/or Ramsgate and creating jobs, volunteers etc.

There. That’s a start.

Bit bored really.

If anyone can help please let me know:

One other point: very close to working with Standard Chartered Bank in London but slipping sideways – again if anyone knows anyone.

And all too obvious why Kent and its towns have simply stagnated and slipped into cancer and dereliction.

Never mind. Only a year to the next election.

Time for Change

Friday, 29 July 2011

Kent in freefall. Thanet Ground Zero Year Zero.

A few miscellaneous points:

1. A nice letter from the new head of Kent Police Authority on how over flights at Manston may or may not be a Kent Police responsibility with a few drops of whitewash still on it and the swish of buck-passing.

2. Will the regular Sunday afternoon Manston illegal over flight land and take off without Customs or Police? If it does I hope they leave a nice bag of heroin or cocaine from Amsterdam for the Police Xmas knees-up.

3. A couple of good points by KCC: the Environment Plan is rather good - although the danger of pointless housing estates and roads badged as eco-tarmac etc will no doubt remain.

But 10 out of 12 Kent districts failing the government’s economic guidelines.

4. On a similar point the real KCC Cabinet of Murphy, Jacobs, Balfour, Beatty, Costain, Carillion remain quiet awaiting the next Big Council-Big Construction glory project of bridges, airports, motorways, housing estates, retail parks and business parks with public land, public funds and public officials.

5. The TDC Vision below: Manston, Westwood Cross, EKO etc - a developer’s wet dream that barely lasted 30 months rather than 30 years and with 9,000 empty houses in Kent, EKO and Westwood Cross now confirmed as a bog-standard shopping centre on farmland but described as fourth town centre to circumvent Planning guidelines and funding and prop up the construction industry

6. Silence still on Thor from the Environment Agency - what is stored there, what are the contamination levels, is Morgan Sproates still the TDC liaison, which councillors and MP’s have been briefed and with what information? Public services that are simply irrelevant and designed to fund and represent themselves and their careers.

7. The review of the Port and Marina in Ramsgate seems to have drifted away. As do the plans for Pleasurama-Bungarama.

8. Silence on civil servants staffing by department, expenses and pensions - 5 years after FOI. But the Daily Telegraph reveals spending of £171M on 1,500 KCC credit cards. Only slightly less than the Environment Agency with £215M and c.9,000 credit cards and the MOD with a whopping £1Bn on 14,000 credit cards. The waste must be mountainous.

With £2.3Bn spent at KCC and £60M spent at TDC and town decay it seems utter incompetence. A few bits of political jiggerpokery with shifting funds into key politicians constituencies but mainly the old West -East Kent dumping ground.

Anywhere far away from Maidstone.

To be fair to KCC, for a 90% one-party council since 1930 it’s more representative than it should be, but there is a failing in no public scrutiny or direct election of council. Only 1% of the public are Party member so no wonder election turn-out crumbles and the construction industry takes control for land permits. And every problem requires a new building or a road.

9. Good to see Richboro scheduled for demolition - although a Bonfire Night demolition would make it more of an event for Thanet’s dwindling activities - along with a school completion to press the plunger and describe Future Thanet. And the solar panel site and boules court clean-ups are positive.

And the rest of the activity for Thanet - and Kent? I can assure having read all the plans there’s nothing. We’re at Ground Zero, Year Zero - funding failure, waste and irrelevancies.


£2.3Bn worth of nothing.

750 TDC civil servants.

15,000 KCC civil servants.

84 KCC councillors and 56 TDC councillors.


An Olympics in London> 4 year sof nothing. Only now a few Olympic teams announced. Nothing for after the Olympics. A once in a generation opportunity lost.

And Infratil simply lead the civil servants and councillors by the nose.

I doubt apart from Paul Carter any of the TDC councillors have met Charles Buchanan and simply jump through hoops on ignoring the overflights and quibbling over the 106 restrictions that were deliberately ignored and paying off the civil servants for schtum.

As with Thor mercury banned 20 years ago.

And we wonder why 4x higher emissions than the EU restrictions and cancer are the result.

And your children and grand-children will pay the price.

Even you.

Cancer is the gift that keeps giving. Through the blood. Through the bone. Through the generations.

The flights continue. So will the cancer. What did you expect?

Kent in freefall and Thanet destroyed.

A lost generation.

A lost decade.

Ground Zero. Year Zero.

Time for Change.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Garbutt for Mayor: after Manston

Manston crashes and burns.

What then?

Carter in jail.

Buchanan in jail.

Infratil's Directors extradited for trial - that rarity of a free passage back to UK for the Kiwi Killers.

Sandys and Gale mere irrelevancies.

TDC and the Environment Agency in ashes.

Kent governance in freefall.

Manston can only have the runway dug up. The warehouses and buildings demolished and cleared.

The MOD Fire base and fires moved.

A WPZ water protection zone and SSSI site at Pegwell Bay with the highest monitoring to safeguard the aquifer.

A Margate Town Council and review of Ramsgate's £20M council tax contribution and the need for 750 TDC civil servants, 15,000 KCC civil servants, silence on staffing, pensions and expenses for £2.3Bn and 56 councillors for failure.

So many years wasted.

So little done.

So much of it abysmal.

Such stagnation and waste.

Time for Change.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Garbutt for Mayor: close Manston, end the cancer.

Coughing one up for Infratil.

An NHS campaign on lung cancer: East Kent's biggest killer with 428 deaths.

You do the maths on what's attributable to the airprot - with monitors removed.

And yesterday - even on Carnival Day - 2 illegal 747 overflights, one unmarked at 12 noon and 6pm and a Cityjet plane circling several times.

As Mayor I will instigate jail proceedings for Buchanan and Carter.

And now some 2 months into the job McGonigal the new TDC CEO is looking to be more of the same Buggins Turn: none of the accounts, from a trained accountant and Director, include the missing fines nor details of Infratil's public secotr subsidies from SEEDA etc or business rates.

Silence on EKO invoices, Pleasurama costs and 0% fake pay rises and schtum payments.

Your money. Approved by your councillors. For failure and cancer.

Infratil may be deliberately polluting the public but TDC are simply going along with them.

Which councillor is repsonsible for the airport? And which cvil servant?

After another ludicrous night flight debate our coucnillors seem irrelevant.

And Kent Police cowed - certainly there'll be no Police or Customs inspections on a Sunday at Manston.

And silence from Gale and Sandys - depsite signing off the absurd Parkway plan as late as January this year and Carter and Buchanan schlepping around Westminster to expand the airport on the rates.

Thanet's problems stem from incompetent coucnillros, civil servants and MP's - creatign problems.

And 750 TDC civil servants and 15,000 KCC civil servants simply recording the problems.

But the election's a year away. Anothe rlost year for Thanet's lost generation.

Coucnil tax strikes and recall of MP's seems relevant - where are they? What are they doing about Infratil and the fake accounts and missing monitors?

Time for P45's

Time for Jail.

Time for Change.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Garbutt for Mayor: Cancer Manston Jail

No noise monitors in place for 5 years.

Fake consultations.

Gang of Four sacked and paid off for schtum.

The latest ludicrous debate on a night flight ban - and overflight ban - that already exists.

A Parkway glory project of £10M until last month.

Who is the civil servant at TDC and KCC responsible for the airport?

Who are the councillors?

When did they know the monitors were removed - what have they done to replace them?

Silence from Gale and Sandys - mere Party bystanders and cheerleaders for Paul Carter, Alex King and Geoff Wild.

We now have Manston without any regulation or monitoring at all - other than Charles Buchanan doing what he likes.

No monitors. No fines. No problems.

And no details on the cancer costs: already 4x EU pollution levels.

Rare cancers.

Time for a Police enquiry and witness statements.

Time for jail sentences.

Time for Change.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Garbutt for Mayor: Corruption-flavoured Kent and McGonigal's maths

A note to Katherine Kerswell at KCC:

As CEO of KCC a 4 star council and CE of SOLACE the Chief
> Executive's trade union can you advise on Kent's corruption
> scandals:
> * Manston: missing monitors and fines
> * c.£200K schtum pay-offs for Messrs Samuel and White of
> the Gang of Four
> * two paygrade hikes just before dismissal for Richard
> Samuel
> * 0% pay rises for Samuel and White that are over 10%
> increases: can the before and after salary slips be
> provided?
> * election payments of c.£20k and £18k to Messrs Samuel
> and Gilroy as heads of council - presumably only minimal
> expesnes are allowed and these costs ar epart of the
> £100k-plus job desciption?
> * chauffeur costs for KCC - only Cabinet ministers have
> chauffeur cars?
> * costs of Top Temps and KCC taxis: these seem to be
> KCC-funded companiesfor KCC-only use
> * Pleasurama-Bungarama: the largest seafront development in
> Kent with no plans and registered inthe Cayman Islands for
> unknowen Directors/payments
> * Dreamland and Tesco: mystery fires and now mystery plans
> for supermarkets by the same company
> * EKO: mystery KCC and TDC joint venture: can the invoices
> be provided?
> * Sue McGonigal as new TDC CEO also the FD and 151 Officer:
> creatign and signing off accoutns through the above
> activity
> I'm astonished at the depth, delay and blatant approach
> over this corruption - are you?
> Will the funds be repaid and the Police called in?

And now the ludicrous situation of a ludicrous "debate" on night flights given they're already banned, and civil servants issuing lawyer letters on the rates to silence councillors in the council chamber.

A murderous farce while Infratil fly and pollute.

Time for jail for Carter and Buchanan.

Time for Change.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Garbutt for Mayor 2011: jail Carter, jail Buchanan, extradite Infratil Directors

A directly elected Mayor to close Manston and jail Carter and Buchanan and extradite Infratil's Directors.

A directly elected Mayor to reduce the number of councillors and ciivl servants.

Both local Thanet MP's and Parties seem to shy away from discussing why the 106 has not been enforced by the Gang of Four.

And total silence from councillors on the cancer cost and missing fines, nor how they will support flights given it's on the East Kent drinking water supply - a Police investigation is the way forward.

Councillors with specific questions to answer - aside from the Party Leaders are: Hayton and Harrison: both Chair of the Airport Committee through the last few years of Infratil and TDC removing monitors, Moores, Chair of the 0% salary review for two of the Gang of Four, and Ezekiel bizarrely standing again rather than following Latchford's sensible move into retirement.

And as late as January this year Sandys and Bayford trotting out behind Carter's FOI-released construction plans with Buchanan for the £10M Parkway on the rates.

No votes in poisoning your own citizens. That's jail.

No votes in covering up what happened to the monitors.

No votes in waiving the fines for 106 breaches.

Time to recharge the Party head offices. Time for a Police inquiry into the civil services corruption around Manston, EKO, Pleasurama and ChinaGate.

4x EU emission levels, monitors removed and lied for 5 years. A mortality rate 17 years lower than the rest of Kent.

And TDC and KCC and our MP's and Environment Agency grub around with fake payrises, lies and silence.

Poisoning their own relatives for Party and civil service positions. Their friends. Their children. Their grandchildren.

They've failed.

A bottom 10% council. A bottom 10% council. The same tired old faces.

Time for less cancer.

Time for less lies.

Time for Change.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

TDC cancer election: Remember ManstonGate, ChinaGate and Night Flights

Disastrous failures at TDC by the Ganf of Four and KCC with ManstonGate, ChinaGate, Pleasurama and Westwood Cross and the same empty promises and Buggins Turn councillors - and a couple of thoughts on the TDC election today:

* a vote for Independents would be a step forward - several are disenchanted witht he performance of the Parties they used to follow

* the main Parties are largely irrelevant at a local level - and the previous blocs of Parties has now been broken: no town is automatically Labour or Tory and civil service waste is subject to coverup or scrutiny

* a boycott of the election or spoilt ballot (simply draw a line through the ballot or tear it in half and put it in the ballot box) is essentially a vote for "none of the above" - with a turnout already less than 35% (and the rise of co-opted or unelected candidates) the issue is effectively one of a lack of public support and public sector focus. 99% of the public are not members of any Party and c.80% of the public do not work in the public sector.

* Double hatters and triple hatters - a ludicrous rotten boroughs approach to pad out the same Party person for several seats: vote only for the lowest council they stand for and on election request a resignation from duplicate seats and refund salaries

* Manston: both Parties seem to shy away from discussing why the 106 has not been enforced by the Gang of Four, and total silence from councillors, nor how they will support flights given it's on the East Kent drinking water supply - a Police investigation is the way forward.

* Candidates to specifically raise questions on Manston - aside from the Party Leaders are: Hayton and Harrison: both Chair of the Airport Committee through the last few years of Infratil and TDC removing monitors, Moores, Chair of the 0% salary review for two of the Gang of Four, and Ezekiel bizarrely standing again rather than following Latchford's sensible move into retirement and O'Donell and Byne at RTC for night flights.

No votes in poisoning your own citizens. That's jail.

4x EU emission levels, monitors removed and lied for 5 years. A mortality rate 17 years lower than the rest of Kent.

And TDC and KCC and our MP's and Environemtn Agency grub around with fake payrises, lies and silence.

Poisoning their own relatives for Party and civil service positions. Their friends. Their children. Their grandchildren.

They've failed.

A bottom 10% council. A bottom 10% council. The same tired old faces.

Time for Change.

The campaign for a direcly elected Leader starts here.

Stop the Cancer. Stop the Corruption. Stop the Construction.

Jail Carter. Jail Buchanan. Jail White.

As directly elected Leader I will:

• Fund a Police investigation, with separate Judicial Review with Public Class Compensation Action into deliberate and repeated endangerment and contamination of the public and environment: rigged consultations with EUJet, KCCUSA, Infratil nightlfights, and removal of noise and air monitors and systemic 106 breaches at Manston from 2006; seek Jail sentences for deliberate failure of duty of care and Corporate Manslaughter for KCC, TDC and Infratil officials: extradite Gunn, Fitzgerald and Clarke for trial and publish radar and flight path details.

• Abolish Carter-Buchanan Manston Parkway: along with SEEDA car park, £80M Road to Nowhere and monitors removal – a “Stansted by stealth and ignoring planning and safety regulations” , cancel KCC Property Group: Balfour, Jacobs etc in council: every problem is a motorway; review “Growth without gridlock” and Dartford Bridge as mere roadbuilding and vanity projects: 1970’s style regeneration by motorway or “buildin’ a building”

• Taxpayer pledge for councillors: Peg council tax to inflation, limit KCC salaries to £100k plus inflation, limit reserves to £20M: funds for failure and inflation to reform back office bloat and salary creep monopoly/public services; seek unitary authority and abolish 13 Districts; detail derelict assets and empty offices; recharge Kent taxpayer costs eg Ramsgate’s missing £20M tax p.a. to Party head offices with Party and Parliamentary review of council performance – the East Kent money’s gone North to Maidstone

• Electoral reform: votes at 16; public fund for MP and councillor election costs, and end double and triple hatters: one person one seat one council and unelected co-opts and limit family members to Party/council: a rotten boroughs hollowing out of democracy and pensioner bias

• Review Carter-King-Wild performance: abolish Top Temps and KCC 76 Lawyers on the rates: crowding out of the private sector with public funds and bureaucratic empire-building

• End KCC “echo-chamber”: multiple support form KCC policies by KCC pseudo-depts. Eg Locate In Kent, Visit Kent, Kent Tourism etc.

• End KCC investments in booze, guns, tobacco and non-Kent property: as with & lawyers the Kent taxpayer funding non-Kent services

• Publish EKO and Pleasurama contacts with recall and Police investigation into Pleasurama: Cayman Islands tax haven funding for Kent’s largest seafront development, mystery plan changes and cliff erosion

• Recall and review of Quango’s/Almo’s in Kent: danger of civil service job preservation rather than a public service reform

• Greener Kent and Green Thanet policies: Climate Change Levy to value/limit development; schools treeplanting not painting council railings; encourage park parks not retail parks, business parks and office parks: speculative empty property construction with public land and permits.

• Environment Agency P45 and Police review: permits to pollute at Manston and Thor: failure to disclose toxins and clean up by Messrs Dengate, Bradshaw, Ogden, Pearce and Leinster over years with “paint down sink” claims

• Instigate Tescopoly Planning policy: limit and reduce supermarket expansion and break-up monopolies to support SME’s: over 80 of 121 UK postcodes dominated by Tesco et al and 97% of Kent businesses SME

• Emin and Parliamentary review of collapse of East Kent over 30 years, and Kent failing 10 out of 12 Districts and c.50% GDP in public sector: from Chatham to Pfizer to 2012 activity/legacy – overall review of Gale 30 year performance and manifesto of no-flights/flights election change and “paint down sink”

• KCC International and Brussels office performance review: funding obtained directly and Third World twinning; instigate UN Millennium Goals across Kent public sector

Vote Garbutt for KCC Leader – May 2012: Independent Green and directly elected.

Jail Carter. Jail Buchanan. Jail White.

Time for Change.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

KCC election May 2012 - and TDC shortly: Jail Carter, Jail Buchanan, Jail White.

The KCC leader manifesto below and a couple of thoughts on the TDC election:

* a vote for Independents would be a step forward - several are disenchanted witht he performance of the Parties they used to follow

* the main Parties are largely irrelevant at a local level - and the previous blocs of Parties has now been broken: no town is automatically Labour or Tory and civil service wasteis subject to coverup or scrutiny

* a boycott of the election or spoilt ballot (simply draw a line through the ballot or tear it in half and put it in the ballot box) is essentially a vote for "none of the above" - with a turnout already less than 35% (and the rise of co-opted or unelected candidates) the issue is effectively one of a lack of public support and public sector focus. 99% of the public are not members of any Party and c.80% of the public do not work in the public sector.

* Double hatters and triple hatters - a ludicrous rotten boroughs approach to pad out the same Party person for several seats: vote only for the lowest council they stand for and on election request a resignation from duplicate seats and refund salaries

* Manston: both Parties seem to shy away from discussing why the 106 has not been enforced by the Gang of Four,m and total silence form councillors, nor how they will support flights given it's on the East Kent drinking water supply - a Police investigation is the way forward.

* Candidates to specifically raise questions on Manston - aside from the Party Leaders are: Hayton and Harrison: both Chair of the Airport Committee through the last few years of Infratil and TDC removing monitors, Moores, Chair of the 0% salary review for two of the Gang of Four, and Ezekiel bizarrely standing again rather than following Latchford's sensible move into retirement and O'Donell and Byne at RTC for night flights.

No votes in poisoning your own citizens. That's jail.

The campaign for a direcly elected Leader starts here.

Stop the Cancer. Stop the Corruption. Stop the Construction.

Jail Carter. Jail Buchanan. Jail White.

As directly elected Leader I will:

• Fund a Police investigation, with separate Judicial Review with Public Class Compensation Action into deliberate and repeated endangerment and contamination of the public and environment: rigged consultations with EUJet, KCCUSA, Infratil nightlfights, and removal of noise and air monitors and systemic 106 breaches at Manston from 2006; seek Jail sentences for deliberate failure of duty of care and Corporate Manslaughter for KCC, TDC and Infratil officials: extradite Gunn, Fitzgerald and Clarke for trial and publish radar and flight path details.

• Abolish Carter-Buchanan Manston Parkway: along with SEEDA car park, £80M Road to Nowhere and monitors removal – a “Stansted by stealth and ignoring planning and safety regulations” , cancel KCC Property Group: Balfour, Jacobs etc in council: every problem is a motorway; review “Growth without gridlock” and Dartford Bridge as mere roadbuilding and vanity projects: 1970’s style regeneration by motorway or “buildin’ a building”

• Taxpayer pledge for councillors: Peg council tax to inflation, limit KCC salaries to £100k plus inflation, limit reserves to £20M: funds for failure and inflation to reform back office bloat and salary creep monopoly/public services; seek unitary authority and abolish 13 Districts; detail derelict assets and empty offices; recharge Kent taxpayer costs eg Ramsgate’s missing £20M tax p.a. to Party head offices with Party and Parliamentary review of council performance – the East Kent money’s gone North to Maidstone

• Electoral reform: votes at 16; public fund for MP and councillor election costs, and end double and triple hatters: one person one seat one council and unelected co-opts and limit family members to Party/council: a rotten boroughs hollowing out of democracy and pensioner bias

• Review Carter-King-Wild performance: abolish Top Temps and KCC 76 Lawyers on the rates: crowding out of the private sector with public funds and bureaucratic empire-building

• End KCC “echo-chamber”: multiple support form KCC policies by KCC pseudo-depts. Eg Locate In Kent, Visit Kent, Kent Tourism etc.

• End KCC investments in booze, guns, tobacco and non-Kent property: as with & lawyers the Kent taxpayer funding non-Kent services

• Publish EKO and Pleasurama contacts with recall and Police investigation into Pleasurama: Cayman Islands tax haven funding for Kent’s largest seafront development, mystery plan changes and cliff erosion

• Recall and review of Quango’s/Almo’s in Kent: danger of civil service job preservation rather than a public service reform

• Greener Kent and Green Thanet policies: Climate Change Levy to value/limit development; schools treeplanting not painting council railings; encourage park parks not retail parks, business parks and office parks: speculative empty property construction with public land and permits.

• Environment Agency P45 and Police review: permits to pollute at Manston and Thor: failure to disclose toxins and clean up by Messrs Dengate, Bradshaw, Ogden, Pearce and Leinster over years with “paint down sink” claims

• Instigate Tescopoly Planning policy: limit and reduce supermarket expansion and break-up monopolies to support SME’s: over 80 of 121 UK postcodes dominated by Tesco et al and 97% of Kent businesses SME

• Emin and Parliamentary review of collapse of East Kent over 30 years, and Kent failing 10 out of 12 Districts and c.50% GDP in public sector: from Chatham to Pfizer to 2012 activity/legacy – overall review of Gale 30 year performance and manifesto of no-flights/flights election change and “paint down sink”

• KCC International and Brussels office performance review: funding obtained directly and Third World twinning; instigate UN Millennium Goals across Kent public sector

Vote Garbutt for KCC Leader – May 2012: Independent Green and directly elected.

Jail Carter. Jail Buchanan. Jail White.

Time for Change.